Midnight Memories Vol. 2 - Chapter 3 - AmeteurPirateNinja - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Pokémon


Nia is scrolling through a dating app on her phone, swiping past guy after guy as her Noivern walks up and starts to watch over her shoulder.


"Hm? Oh, just scrolling through guys, looking for a date, maybe." Nia states nonchalantly. At first, Noivern doesn't understand how that could possibly get her a mate, but then a picture catches her eye.

"Vern! Noivern!" Noivern gestures for her to go back a few profiles to a pretty ordinary looking guy, named Jay.

"Huh? What about him?" Nia scrolls through his profile a bit, finding a pretty average male profile overall, but what made the app show Jay to her was their common interest in Pokémon. She scrolls through his pictures, seeing him with various people and Pokémon.

"Something catch your eye?" Nia turns to Noivern and sees a blush dusting her cheeks. "Oh my gosh something did~ You think we should try talking to him?"

Nia is already typing a message to him before Noivern can refuse.

'What's your favorite Pokémon?' Classic icebreaker.

They watch bubbles appear as he types his response with baited breath.

'It's tough to say, because I like a lot of Pokémon, but I've always thought Dragon Types were pretty cool. Speaking of, your Noivern is very pretty.'

Noivern feels a rush of heat in her chest as the message appears. Nia responds with some backstory of how her and Noivern met, and Jay replies with some anecdotes of his own before they schedule a date in a few days and bid each other good night.


Jay and Nia, overviewed by Noivern, continued to text back and forth for the days leading up to their date. When the night came, Noivern was insisting on staying out of her ball during the date.

"I'm not sure about that. I think that might be something for the second or third date. Bringing you along might make it too obvious."

"Vern! Noivern Voin Vern!"

"I am NOT trying to steal him from you, he's not even my type! You have to be careful with things like this!"


"Fine, but if we scare him off, don't blame me." Nia walks to the door. "You coming?"

"Noi?!" They had been arguing the whole time, she wasn't ready to see him like this.

"It's almost time! We can't keep him waiting too long or this gets even harder! We're walking anyway, so you've got some time to straighten yourself out along the way." Nia walks out the door followed by her flustered Noivern as she frantically tries to groom herself.


"I'm sorry I'm a bit late, Noivern insisted on coming along." Nia apologizes as she meets up with Jay.

"Hey, no worries." Jay says dismissively as Noivern approaches him to greet him. "With how much we spoke about her, it almost feels like I know her better than I know you!" He jokes with a smile. Nia didn't find it funny but Noivern laughed and sent a look of vindication towards Nia.

The group sits together in a mid range restaurant. Things were going well between Jay and Nia until Noivern got extra curious and started trying to discreetly investigate him. She stalked around to his back as they were talking, sniffing around him. Nia was cringing inwardly and trying to tell her to stop with just her eyes, but Jay didn't seem to notice until Noivern stood up and grabbed his shoulders, sniffing his hair somewhat aggressively.

"Noivern!" Nia scolds, but Noivern retaliates with a sad look to her trainer.

"It's fine." Jay states nonchalantly. "She's just curious. I also find it kind of sweet. Like she's making sure in an okay guy for you." Jay says with a chuckle, and Noivern purrs with satisfaction as she hugs around his shoulders and nuzzles his hair.

The rest of the night seems to go well. Noivern kept pushing her luck, touching and smelling Jay throughout the night, but he always dismissed it with a smile. When the girls finally got home, Nia immediately explodes on her.

"What the f*ck did you think you were doing?!" Nia shouts at Noivern.

"Vern! Noi Noivern!"

"Showing interest!? You might as well have just bent over and presented yourself to him! You totally blew it! You were coming on way too-" Nia is interrupted by a few chimes from her phone. "It's Jay. Probably telling me he-... Can't wait for the next one?" Nia slowly looks at Noivern who has a look of excitement on her face. "You got lucky this time..."


After a few dates, Jay and Nia really get to know each other better, along with Noivern every time. However, from an outside perspective, it would almost look like Jay was actually taking Noivern on each date! She would frequently hang from his arm and pull his attention to things she would want to show him, while Nia stood back and watched or tapped away on her phone.


Jay was really starting to think this may actually go somewhere. He likes Nia, and her Noivern was an absolute sweetheart. She was always very touchy and affectionate towards him, not that he was complaining, but he was a bit worried how Nia would react. Though, if she cared, she would've said something by now, right?

One morning, Jay gets a text from Nia, 'Come over.' He quickly gets cleaned up, dressed, and practically sprints out the door...

When he arrives at Nia's front door he knocks, only to be greeted by Noivern who excitedly waves him inside.

"Hey, where's Nia?" Jay asks, only to be answered by a dismissive wave by Noivern as she sits down on the couch. "Oh, she had to step out. Wish she told me, but whatever, I guess..."

Noivern gestures for him to sit on the couch with her. "Hm? Yeah, I guess I can stay and watch something with you. I came all this way anyway..." Jay muttered the last part, a bit annoyed his girlfriend texted him to come over as she left.

About an hour into whatever they were watching, the high of getting to his girlfriend's house starts to wear off, and the exertion of rushing over takes its toll as Jay's eyes slowly start to drift closed. Noivern notices after a few minutes, waving a hand in front of his face to see if he really was asleep. A devious smile crosses her face as she carefully crawls over Jay's body. She nuzzles her face into his neck, inhaling his scent as she drapes herself over him and hugs him. Noivern just lies there, enjoying herself until Jay shifts beneath her. His arms wrap around her and one of his knees slips between her legs as he squeezes tight and nuzzles into her neck fluff in his sleep. Noivern has to suppress a moan of pleasure as Jay's thigh grinds against her puss*. She can't help but grind herself against him in return, her whole body starting to heat up as she stimulates herself.

Noivern licks Jay's neck, her long tongue sliding up along his ear as she shudders against him. She carefully pulls his sleeping arms off of herself and slides back down his body. Jay was wearing a button up shirt, and Noivern could just imagine ripping it off, sending buttons flying everywhere, but that would surely wake him up. She carefully undoes all of the buttons holding Jay's shirt closed, one by one, smiling lewdly when it finally falls completely open. You would never guess Jay was so chiseled under his shirt, a lattice of light muscle that made Noivern drool right into his belly button!

Noivern's shaky hands slowly hover closer to Jay's chest until she's finally touching his warm skin directly. She slides her hands around Jay's torso, only making her need for him worse as she even starts to rub her face against him! Her tongue creeps out again, dancing across his chest as she subconsciously grinds her hips into his. Something pushing up against her makes Noivern snap back to reality as she sits up and looks down. Was she really going to do this?

Noivern was actually the one to text Jay to come over today. Nia claimed it was too soon for them to hang out alone, but Noivern really wanted to invite Jay over while Nia was out, so she snuck into Nia's phone and invited him over. She hadn't anticipated on him falling asleep, but he was an extremely heavy sleeper and her horny mind couldn't resist such a golden opportunity as she opens his pants, then stops. This isn't right. Noivern carefully lifts Jay from the couch and carries him to her trainer's bedroom as his shirt flutters to the floor.

Noivern deposits Jay onto Nia's bed before she eagerly, yet carefully, drags his pants down, leaving him in only his underwear in front of her. She could see the bulge in his boxers, throbbing as it begs to be released from its cotton prison. Noivern watches Jay's face nervously as her claws hook the waistband and starts to pull them down.

Noivern can feel her loins pulse with need as Jay's erection springs free. She leans in close and sniffs it, swooning as his musk fills her nose. Her tongue reaches out to it, but she realizes there was something still wasn't quite right. Her eyes look up and lock onto Jay's slightly parted lips as he sleeps. Noivern crawls up Jay's body, coming face to face with Jay. She takes a deep, shuddering breath before she gently pushes her lips against Jay's. What was meant to be a chaste kiss from a secret admirer turned into full make out session as Noivern squeezes herself against him. She loses herself to her affections, grinding herself against him as she humps against Jay's swollen slumbering co*ck.

Noivern is so lost in her lust her sharp ears fail to catch the sound of Jay's breathing changing, and her closed eyes can't see his drift open, then bulge out of his skull. "HM!?"

Noivern leaps back from Jay's lips, but not off of him entirely as she blushes in embarrassment.

"What?... Were you?..." Jay struggles to speak as he tries to process what he just woke up to. He understood she was affectionate, but he never thought Noivern would go as far as this! Noivern can't meet his gaze as she twiddles her claws. "N-Noivern..."

"I... I don't understand..."

Noivern grabs Jay's hand and guides it to her chest, holding it over her heart as it beats hard and fast. He looks up into her eyes, and he sees an adoration in them he's never seen in any of his past girlfriends. He tepidly raises his other hand to cup Noivern's cheek, rubbing with his thumb she leans into his hand.

"How long have you..."

"Vern N-Noivern..." Noivern stammers, suddenly quite nervous again.

"The whole time?" Jay gasps, and Noivern nods sheepishly.

"Noivern... N-Noi Noivern Vern..."

"Wait, so this whole time Nia was just pretending to like me, to cover for you?" Regardless of their current situation, Noivern's words still stung. He felt played by Noivern and Nia, but he also understood their need for secrecy. Jay thinks back to all their dates, and he realizes something. Nia is barely there in any of them. She's always faded into the background while he and Noivern enjoyed themselves. He's tried to stay optimistic, but he's had some doubts about her. That's why he was so excited when he was randomly invited over, he thought for a moment that Nia had truly came around, just for her to be gone. Jay realizes how much he actually had been enjoying Noivern's company more than Nia's!

Noivern start to lean in again, and Jay receives her, hugging her to his chest as their tongues intertwine. Noivern's ears flutter as Jay's fingers rake through her fur, making her grind herself against his erection still trapped between them. This makes them moan into each other's mouths before they break apart again.

Noivern raises her hips, allowing Jay's erection to stand at attentionand poke her entrance. They share one final look of passion before Noivern starts to ease herself down his pole. Noivern has to rest her claws on Jay's chest to stay up as his girth spreads her walls, her hips twitching and spasming the whole way down. Jay gives a sharp moan as tight, wet heat envelopes his co*ck. They could feel each other's heartbeat in their union.

"I-Is this your first time?" Jay asks, and Noivern nods sheepishly. Jay grabs her cheek again to make her look back to him. "It's mine, too." That was the other reason he rushed over to Nia's place so quickly. The she texted made him think he was finally gonna lose his virginity. Well, at least that still turned out to be true!

Noivern smiles warmly at Jay then leans down and takes his lips again as his hands slide down her body to her hips. As their saliva mixes, Noivern slowly gyrates her hips, trying to relax her channel for him as they shudder against each other. Their lips finally part again as Noivern sits up, her eyes smoldering as she starts to bounce her hips.

Over time, Noivern increases the distance, her hips moving in long strokes as her channel massages Jay's shaft. Jay even starts to buck up into her, increasing the force of their thrusts.

A faint white noise starts to sound from Noivern's ears as she bounces and spasms atop Jay's co*ck. Jay's hands slide up from her hips into her chest fur, weaving his fingers through her fluff as the pitch of her ear noise fluctuates with his motions, sounding almost like the whine of radio static. His hands start sliding around as Jay plays with her sexual tic. The more pleasurable or ticklish a spot, the wilder the fluctuations when his fingers dance across it.

A devious smirk creeps across Jay's lips before he suddenly grabs Noivern's ears!


Noivern shudders and moans as Jay's thumbs rub the sensitive membranes in her ears. Jay takes her momentary lack of awareness to roll her over! Noivern chirps and flaps her wings in surprise, but is writhing and moaning again as Jay's thumbs continue to rub inside her ears, the frequency of her noise continuing to fluctuate as he thrusts into her.

Noivern wraps her winged arms around Jay's back, wrapping them in a leathery cocoon of pleasure as her claws dig into his back. Her eyes start to cross and her tongue lolls free from her mouth. Her ears were too sensitive, it was driving her crazy! She was gonna cum any second at this rate!

Jay suddenly lets go of Noivern's ears as his chest drops down to hers. He buries his face in the fluffy white fur around her neck, breathing heavily as his thrusts intensify. He was about to cum, too!

"Noiiiivern Noi Vern~" Noivern starts to whisper dirty words in Jay's ear, making him groan into her as his hips start to jerk, losing his rhythm as he struggles to hold back his org*sm. A new white noise starts, and suddenly Jay lost what little control he had over his org*sm. Noivern was using sound frequencies to override his own bodily function!

Noivern squeezes her legs tight around Jay's waist as he moans pathetically into Noivern's fur, helpless as his cum is freed into her puss*. Noivern's puss* clenches around his cumming co*ck as she c*ms as well. Jay rises from Noivern's fluff and smashes his lips into hers, their tongues reaching deep into each other's mouths. Every last drop of seed Jay had to offer is released, overflowing Noivern's puss* as it pushes out around his girth.

"What the f*ck?!"


Nia enters the apartment to see a shirt on the ground. "Huh? This isn't-" Then she recognizes the cologne lingering in the air. "Oh~ That sly Bat~"

She couldn't hear anything since her walls were soundproofed. Hey, when you live with a Pokémon like Noivern you pay the extra money if you ever want privacy. Nia starts tiptoeing down the hall towards the guest room, but there's no sound when she pushes her ear against it. She opens the door and the lights are off with nobody inside. Nia was perplexed when a sharp moan barely reaches her ears. She looks to her bedroom door. "That bitch..." Nia growls.

Nia opens her bedroom door to the passionate scene of her boyfriend balls deep in her Pokémon.

"What the f*ck?!"

Jay and Noivern nearly leap out of their skin as their eyes snap to her, bulging out of their heads.

"Did you have to do it in my bed?! The guest room is right there! Like, congratulations and all but come on! You literally passed it on the way here!" Nia berates them for staining her sheets as she shields her eyes.

"I-I'll buy you new ones..." Jay says sheepishly.

"Yeah, you better." Nia exits the room and shuts the door behind her.

Jay and Noivern share a look of embarassment before they burst out into laughter...

Midnight Memories Vol. 2 - Chapter 3 - AmeteurPirateNinja - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.