Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (2024)

1. Caiden
2. good
3. A guy
4. trying to get more forum post for the star lol
5. the fun little games
6. BLUE????
7. idk????
8. BLUE????
9. BLUE????
10. Chocolate
11. Mario
12. no?
13. dogs, used to have a lizard
14. yessir
15. no :c
16. 3 lol
17.its 1:13 rn so maybeee
18. strawberry
19. shaved
20. North America
21. no
22. Charmin ultra soft? idk????????
23. idk
24. yes
25. Coffee
26. idk :(
27. i'd rather not
28. lol and naur
29. im gatekeeping ?
30. horror
32. no
33. like none?
34. night owl
35. lol I have a lot but LOUD PEOPLE and at my school there's ALOT
36. i have no survival skills so ?stay put?
37. cocoon by Bjork
38. trapped in an elevator alone with no lights
39. yes multiple times
40. no
41. no
42. good question
43. last Wednesday
44. gemstone/crystals
45. nice for once
46. no
47. Chips Ahoy?
48. lucky charm & cinnamon toast crunch
49. no?????
51. i am rn
52. yes
53. water
54. carpet
55. idk
56. Potato chips
57. 3. colored pencils!!
58. Smartphones
59. toad!!
60. idk
61. too tired to think of one????
62. its like blue?
63. no
64. idk
65. fall/autumn
67. roblox
68. yeah multiple times
69. 1 bull-sized rat?
71. 96147080
72. yeah
73. idk
74. no
75. window
76. be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age
77. sweet foods?
78. no
79. no
80. yeah i ate/took a bite of a glowstick when i was 4????
81. kinda
82. biology
83. no
84. Bugs Bunny
85. yes
86. Pixar
87. idk
88. gemini
89. burgers
90. eevee sylveon
91. sylveon????????
92. idk
93. my tic and ocd number id 4 so ig that lol
94. capybara????
95. fairy
96. mainly english, know some german and spanish
97. Pancakes
98. most of my irl friends play it lol
99. idk i got nothing better else to do lol

the multiple "??" repesents used emojis. im too tired to go over and edit it


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (2)





July 01, 2024 23:37:40

1. Caiden
2. good
3. A guy
4. trying to get more forum post for the star lol
5. the fun little games
6. BLUE????
7. idk????
8. BLUE????
9. BLUE????
10. Chocolate
11. Mario
12. no?
13. dogs, used to have a lizard
14. yessir
15. no :c
16. 3 lol
17.its 1:13 rn so maybeee
18. strawberry
19. shaved
20. North America
21. no
22. Charmin ultra soft? idk????????
23. idk
24. yes
25. Coffee
26. idk :(
27. i'd rather not
28. lol and naur
29. im gatekeeping ?
30. horror
32. no
33. like none?
34. night owl
35. lol I have a lot but LOUD PEOPLE and at my school there's ALOT
36. i have no survival skills so ?stay put?
37. cocoon by Bjork
38. trapped in an elevator alone with no lights
39. yes multiple times
40. no
41. no
42. good question
43. last Wednesday
44. gemstone/crystals
45. nice for once
46. no
47. Chips Ahoy?
48. lucky charm & cinnamon toast crunch
49. no?????
51. i am rn
52. yes
53. water
54. carpet
55. idk
56. Potato chips
57. 3. colored pencils!!
58. Smartphones
59. toad!!
60. idk
61. too tired to think of one????
62. its like blue?
63. no
64. idk
65. fall/autumn
67. roblox
68. yeah multiple times
69. 1 bull-sized rat?
71. 96147080
72. yeah
73. idk
74. no
75. window
76. be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age
77. sweet foods?
78. no
79. no
80. yeah i ate/took a bite of a glowstick when i was 4????
81. kinda
82. biology
83. no
84. Bugs Bunny
85. yes
86. Pixar
87. idk
88. gemini
89. burgers
90. eevee sylveon
91. sylveon????????
92. idk
93. my tic and ocd number id 4 so ig that lol
94. capybara????
95. fairy
96. mainly english, know some german and spanish
97. Pancakes
98. most of my irl friends play it lol
99. idk i got nothing better else to do lol

the multiple "??" repesents used emojis. im too tired to go over and edit it

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (3)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (4)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (5)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (6)

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (7)

Last edited on Jul 01, 2024 23:38:42 by yuh

1. What’s your name?Wouldn‘t you like to know? If I could choose it, it‘d be smth like Ophelia or Fin, though.2. Got it, how are you doing?Pretty good, all around.3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?Agender, so… nothing, really.4. I see, so what brings you here?Boredom and a love for answering questions.5. Where are you most active in the forums?The general discussions and forum games.6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?Green.7. Favorite shoe brand?Don‘t have one.8. Red or blue?Blue.9. What is your actual favorite color?Orange.10. Strawberry or chocolate?Strawberry.11. Mario or Luigi?Mario.12. Do you plan on taking over the world?Denmark, at the very least.13. Do you own any pets?Yes, two cats.14. Are you apart of any fandoms?Yup.15. Can you whistle?No.16. How many pillows do you own?Honestly? Like ten.17. Should you be asleep right now?Nope, it‘s noon here.18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?Vanilla.19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?Crushed.20. Which continent are you from?Europe. 21. Do you wear glasses?Yes.22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?I have no opinion.23. Worst video game you ever played?Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Assassin‘s Creed: Odyssey are sharing that place. Very high standards, still, and they‘re definitely not bad, but they were the only ones to disappoint me.24. Have you ever won a contest before?No.25. Tea or coffee?Tea. 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?Probably the same as it is on tumblr; a fanart with my favorite character and a moon.27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?Sure, why not.28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?Sure.29. Favorite emoji?Any of those photograph ones.30. Your favorite movie genre?Fantasy and thriller.31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?Gonna sound weird but Cicero. Read a book about his life recently and the guy had some cool opinions.32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?No.33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?Singer.34. Are you an early bird or night owl?Born to work through the night, forced to wake early.35. What is some of your pet peeves?When someone clicks their nails together or pops their hands. The sounds give me the creeps. Also chewing and speaking with an open mouth.36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?Open.37. What is the last song you were listening to?Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. It‘s very chill :)38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?Alone.39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?Yes. I hated it.40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?No.41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?No, there aren‘t all that many of them where I live.42. What is the meaning of life?There is none, I‘m free to choose.43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?A chocolate shake. I remember it clearly, too; my step-parent got me one after I passed out on a rough ground and scraped open my face. That was years ago lmao44. Do you collect anything?Little armbands I braid.45. How’s the weather over there?Warm, but cloudy.46. Are you eating anything right now?No. 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?Oreos.48. Favorite cereal?Anything with lots of grain and a little bit of fruit and chocolate.49. Are you wearing a hat right now?Do headphones count?50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? Uuuuh. I‘ll do that in a second, probably.51. What about getting some water?On it, boss.52. Have you seen Bird Box?No. Never heard of it, either.53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?Air.54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?Wood? I. Don‘t really know. It came with the apartment.55. Do you have any organizational advice?No matter how many drawers you have, they won‘t be enough. Get dividers for the drawers. And labels. And rubber bands to tie stuff together.56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?Potato.57. Crayons or markers?Markers.58. Smartphones or tablets?Tablets.59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?Young Link or Toon Link.60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?Didn‘t watch it, not planning to.61. What is one useless fact you can list here?T-posing squid exist.62. What is your eye color?Blue.63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?Yes!! Again, to orange.64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?A dead insect.65. What’s your favorite season of the year?Autumn. 66. Do you enjoy reading?Yes.67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?Either a videogame if I find one that seems both good and is cheap, or just a nice meal for myself, with dessert.68. Have you ever traveled by plane?No.69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?One.70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?Realistically, I‘d sprint down the hallway, but I‘m slow, so the person would catch up. I‘d love to spout annoyances and memes at the person through the door, though, maybe try and weird them out enough that they just leave.71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?She!! So colorful! So pretty![url=][img][/img][/url]72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?Yes.73. Would you recommend it to others?Maybe.74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?No. 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?A pillow.76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?Rather fast forward.77. Savory or sweet foods?Savory.78. Can you do a backflip?No.79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?No.80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?No.81. Can you handle spicy foods?Mildly. I can eat them all probably, but I won‘t enjoy it, and I won‘t taste anything other than spice, anyway.82. What is/was your favorite school subject?Art and english.83. Do you have allergies?Yes, mild pollen allergy.84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?Who are these people lol85. Have you seen Sharktale before?I saw a video about it, and that‘s all I need.86. Pixar or Dreamworks?Dreamworks.87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?Omniscient Reader‘s Viewpoint and the Remarried Empress. Never read homestuck, so I wouldn‘t rec it on principle, though.88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?Pisces.89. Pizza or burgers?Pizza.90. Favorite Pokemon?I. Probably pikachu? Never been a huge fam of pokemon.91. Best eeveelution?I don‘t know?92. How would you describe your fashion sense?Either very lazy, or ‚they tried to be pretty in the feminine way since that‘s their preferred aesthetic, but the hair ruins it yet again‘.93. Favorite number?15. 94. What animal would you be?A bird.95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?A fairy, by virtue of thalassophobia.96. How many languages can you speak?Speaking, two. Reading and understanding, four.97. Pancakes or waffles?Waffles.98. How did you find FR?Someone I followed posted about it on tumblr.99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?It did kill time.100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?No, not really.


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (9)





July 03, 2024 03:57:44

1. What’s your name?
Wouldn‘t you like to know? If I could choose it, it‘d be smth like Ophelia or Fin, though.

2. Got it, how are you doing?
Pretty good, all around.

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
Agender, so… nothing, really.

4. I see, so what brings you here?
Boredom and a love for answering questions.

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
The general discussions and forum games.

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Don‘t have one.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?

10. Strawberry or chocolate?

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
Denmark, at the very least.

13. Do you own any pets?
Yes, two cats.

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?

15. Can you whistle?

16. How many pillows do you own?
Honestly? Like ten.

17. Should you be asleep right now?
Nope, it‘s noon here.

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
I have no opinion.

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Assassin‘s Creed: Odyssey are sharing that place. Very high standards, still, and they‘re definitely not bad, but they were the only ones to disappoint me.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?

25. Tea or coffee?

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Probably the same as it is on tumblr; a fanart with my favorite character and a moon.

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Sure, why not.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?

29. Favorite emoji?
Any of those photograph ones.

30. Your favorite movie genre?
Fantasy and thriller.

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Gonna sound weird but Cicero. Read a book about his life recently and the guy had some cool opinions.

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Born to work through the night, forced to wake early.

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
When someone clicks their nails together or pops their hands. The sounds give me the creeps. Also chewing and speaking with an open mouth.

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. It‘s very chill :)

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yes. I hated it.

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
No, there aren‘t all that many of them where I live.

42. What is the meaning of life?
There is none, I‘m free to choose.

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
A chocolate shake. I remember it clearly, too; my step-parent got me one after I passed out on a rough ground and scraped open my face. That was years ago lmao

44. Do you collect anything?
Little armbands I braid.

45. How’s the weather over there?
Warm, but cloudy.

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
Anything with lots of grain and a little bit of fruit and chocolate.

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
Do headphones count?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
Uuuuh. I‘ll do that in a second, probably.

51. What about getting some water?
On it, boss.

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
No. Never heard of it, either.

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
Wood? I. Don‘t really know. It came with the apartment.

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
No matter how many drawers you have, they won‘t be enough. Get dividers for the drawers. And labels. And rubber bands to tie stuff together.

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
Young Link or Toon Link.

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Didn‘t watch it, not planning to.

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
T-posing squid exist.

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
Yes!! Again, to orange.

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
A dead insect.

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Either a videogame if I find one that seems both good and is cheap, or just a nice meal for myself, with dessert.

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Realistically, I‘d sprint down the hallway, but I‘m slow, so the person would catch up. I‘d love to spout annoyances and memes at the person through the door, though, maybe try and weird them out enough that they just leave.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
She!! So colorful! So pretty!

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
A pillow.

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Rather fast forward.

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Mildly. I can eat them all probably, but I won‘t enjoy it, and I won‘t taste anything other than spice, anyway.

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
Art and english.

83. Do you have allergies?
Yes, mild pollen allergy.

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Who are these people lol

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
I saw a video about it, and that‘s all I need.

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
Omniscient Reader‘s Viewpoint and the Remarried Empress. Never read homestuck, so I wouldn‘t rec it on principle, though.

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
I. Probably pikachu? Never been a huge fam of pokemon.

91. Best eeveelution?
I don‘t know?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Either very lazy, or ‚they tried to be pretty in the feminine way since that‘s their preferred aesthetic, but the hair ruins it yet again‘.

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
A bird.

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
A fairy, by virtue of thalassophobia.

96. How many languages can you speak?
Speaking, two. Reading and understanding, four.

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
Someone I followed posted about it on tumblr.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
It did kill time.

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
No, not really.

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (11)

1. What’s your name?
Izzy, but online I usually go by dahliadove

2. Got it, how are you doing?
good thx

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
I'm a girl

4. I see, so what brings you here?
I'm bored

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Dragon share

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Pink or purple probably

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Don't really have one, Nike is cool tho

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
It's pink I promise ????

10. Strawberry or chocolate?

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?

13. Do you own any pets?
2 cats 2 dogs. My dog is pregnant tho so more soon

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Jjk and warrior cats but that's it

15. Can you whistle?
No ????????????
16. How many pillows do you own?
I just sleep on my squishmallows but I got like 3 jumbo ones

17. Should you be asleep right now?
No it's only 10pm

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
Probably coffee

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Shaved is on top

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?
No I got GOATED vision

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Those trashy cashgrab simulators on Roblox

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
I don't enter into contests so no

25. Tea or coffee?
Tea fs

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
My charli xcx brat PFP

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
sure I love goths

29. Favorite emoji?
The horse carousel emoji

30. Your favorite movie genre?
Emotional ones I guess

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Frank Ocean
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Never watched it

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl, I hate the morning

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
I hate when ppl swear like they've only just been given permission to swear

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
STAY PUT ?????

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
I'm listening to Heartbeat by Childish Gambino right now but it was VULTURES by Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign before this

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
elevator for sure. clowns are terrifying

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yeah that pirate ship one but I'm never going on one again

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

42. What is the meaning of life?
Depends on the individual. You make the meaning yourself

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Boycotting so probably like last year

44. Do you collect anything?
Random cool objects I see I will take

45. How’s the weather over there?
Alright, but I live in Melbourne so it'll probably be storming in like an hour

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
I hate both

48. Favorite cereal?
Coco pops

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
No but I have now

51. What about getting some water?
Just had some

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
Yes it scared me

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
No I'm terrible at organising

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Both are good

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
Idk. Princess peach

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Haven't watched but it sounds alright

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
Dont got one

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
yes and they would be like a cute pink

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
My little brother

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?
Yeah sure

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Kinetic sand

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Yes I've done it a couple times

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
Throw me the bulls cause a bull sized rat is evil

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
GET ME OUT THE HOUSE ????????????????????

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
yesss it's a fun time killer

73. Would you recommend it to others?
sure thing

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
no I was born in the 2000s

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
relive the 90s I guess

77. Savory or sweet foods?
sweet !!

78. Can you do a backflip?
no but I wanna learn so bad

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
I did pink highlights w/out bleaching so it gave my hair a slight rose gold tint in the light

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
No but maybe soon

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Absolutely not

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I like my sciences

83. Do you have allergies?
Aloe vera

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs ????????

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
I don't really read webcomics

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
I like . Everything
93. Favorite number?
7 or 14

94. What animal would you be?
a bird of some kind

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
english but I'm learning Spanish

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
my sister introduced me

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
cured my boredom

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (13)





July 03, 2024 05:37:22

1. What’s your name?
Izzy, but online I usually go by dahliadove

2. Got it, how are you doing?
good thx

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
I'm a girl

4. I see, so what brings you here?
I'm bored

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Dragon share

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Pink or purple probably

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Don't really have one, Nike is cool tho

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
It's pink I promise ????

10. Strawberry or chocolate?

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?

13. Do you own any pets?
2 cats 2 dogs. My dog is pregnant tho so more soon

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Jjk and warrior cats but that's it

15. Can you whistle?
No ????????????
16. How many pillows do you own?
I just sleep on my squishmallows but I got like 3 jumbo ones

17. Should you be asleep right now?
No it's only 10pm

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
Probably coffee

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Shaved is on top

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?
No I got GOATED vision

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Those trashy cashgrab simulators on Roblox

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
I don't enter into contests so no

25. Tea or coffee?
Tea fs

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
My charli xcx brat PFP

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
sure I love goths

29. Favorite emoji?
The horse carousel emoji

30. Your favorite movie genre?
Emotional ones I guess

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Frank Ocean
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Never watched it

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl, I hate the morning

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
I hate when ppl swear like they've only just been given permission to swear

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
STAY PUT ?????

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
I'm listening to Heartbeat by Childish Gambino right now but it was VULTURES by Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign before this

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
elevator for sure. clowns are terrifying

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yeah that pirate ship one but I'm never going on one again

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

42. What is the meaning of life?
Depends on the individual. You make the meaning yourself

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Boycotting so probably like last year

44. Do you collect anything?
Random cool objects I see I will take

45. How’s the weather over there?
Alright, but I live in Melbourne so it'll probably be storming in like an hour

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
I hate both

48. Favorite cereal?
Coco pops

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
No but I have now

51. What about getting some water?
Just had some

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
Yes it scared me

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
No I'm terrible at organising

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Both are good

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
Idk. Princess peach

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Haven't watched but it sounds alright

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
Dont got one

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
yes and they would be like a cute pink

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
My little brother

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?
Yeah sure

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Kinetic sand

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Yes I've done it a couple times

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
Throw me the bulls cause a bull sized rat is evil

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
GET ME OUT THE HOUSE ????????????????????

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
yesss it's a fun time killer

73. Would you recommend it to others?
sure thing

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
no I was born in the 2000s

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
relive the 90s I guess

77. Savory or sweet foods?
sweet !!

78. Can you do a backflip?
no but I wanna learn so bad

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
I did pink highlights w/out bleaching so it gave my hair a slight rose gold tint in the light

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
No but maybe soon

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Absolutely not

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I like my sciences

83. Do you have allergies?
Aloe vera

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs ????????

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
I don't really read webcomics

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
I like . Everything
93. Favorite number?
7 or 14

94. What animal would you be?
a bird of some kind

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
english but I'm learning Spanish

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
my sister introduced me

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
cured my boredom

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (15)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (16)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (17)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (18)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (19)

1. What’s your name?Kae (not irl name)2. Got it, how are you doing?alright, could be better3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?Girl4. I see, so what brings you here?so bored lol5. Where are you most active in the forums?Probably just general discussion6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?Green def7. Favorite shoe brand?Dont rlly have a fav, i guess Vans8. Red or blue?red all the way9. What is your actual favorite color?Green i swear 10. Strawberry or chocolate?Chocolate 100%11. Mario or Luigi?Luigi, been with him since day one (my brother never let me be mario)12. Do you plan on taking over the world?Maybe...13. Do you own any pets?One horse, one dog and bunch of cattle14. Are you apart of any fandoms?Call of Duty and RDR2 mainly15. Can you whistle?yes16. How many pillows do you own?Two on my bed but i wish i had more17. Should you be asleep right now?yes, its 1AM18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?Cashew, disgusting19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?Cubed all the way20. Which continent are you from?Oceana21. Do you wear glasses?Nope22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?Just any 23. Worst video game you ever played?i havent rlly played too many bad ones, all good games. Maybe the newest mw? Though i personally didnt think it was too bad, it was alright. wish it wasnt so rushed24. Have you ever won a contest before?never entered one25. Tea or coffee?Tea, coffee makes me tired26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?PFP of Ghost choking Soap 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?NO WAY28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?100%29. Favorite emoji?????30. Your favorite movie genre?Horror31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?no idea32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?According to all known lawsof aviation, there is no way a beeshould be able to fly. Its wings are too small to getit* fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway :because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.BARRY BENSON:(Barry is picking out a shirt)Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow!Let's shake it up a little.JANET BENSON:Barry! Breakfast is ready!BARRY:Coming!Hang on a second.(Barry uses his antenna like a phone)Hello?ADAM FLAYMAN:(Through phone)- Barry?BARRY:- Adam?ADAM:- Can you believe this is happening?BARRY:- I can't. I'll pick you up.(Barry flies down the stairs)idk if you want it to go further then that or not33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?Singer even though i suck34. Are you an early bird or night owl?Night owl but love the day35. What is some of your pet peeves?I hate when ppl chew with their mouths open36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?Adventure ofc37. What is the last song you were listening to?Listening to Symphony of Destruction by Megadeath rn38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?Clown, i would cry if i was in an elevator alone and no lights39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?Only once40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?Nope (surprisingly, i ride horses and motorbikes and live on a farm)41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?Never been42. What is the meaning of life?Nothing43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?I dont remember at all, havent been in ages44. Do you collect anything?I collect COD games, anything i find thats cool and knives45. How’s the weather over there?Im in NSW so ofc raining46. Are you eating anything right now?No47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?Oreos48. Favorite cereal?Any49. Are you wearing a hat right now?Nope50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?No but i will now51. What about getting some water?have a water bottle with me52. Have you seen Bird Box?watched it with my mum53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?Water54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?Carpet55. Do you have any organizational advice?Not at all56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?Both 57. Crayons or markers?Markers58. Smartphones or tablets?Phone59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?uh idk, prob luigi?60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?Personally i loved it (i used to be obsessed with sonic so)61. What is one useless fact you can list here?Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.62. What is your eye color?brown/hazel63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?I wouldnt mind a dark brown 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?i dont even remember65. What’s your favorite season of the year?Summer66. Do you enjoy reading?sorta67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?either a shirt, food or a plushie68. Have you ever traveled by plane?nope69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?rat sized bull70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?accepting my fate, im not walking down that hall71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[url=][img][/img][/url]72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?yes ofc73. Would you recommend it to others?sure74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?no75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?my Leopard shark plush named Kevin, already my best friend76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?kinda hard to answer that now, but i guess the 90s77. Savory or sweet foods?sweet78. Can you do a backflip?no79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?I dyed the ends purple once80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?No 81. Can you handle spicy foods?sorta but not rlly82. What is/was your favorite school subject?art and english83. Do you have allergies?nope84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?Bugs85. Have you seen Sharktale before?no, it scares me86. Pixar or Dreamworks?Pixar i guess87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?dont read them88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?Gemini89. Pizza or burgers?Burgers90. Favorite Pokemon?Eevee or Flareon91. Best eeveelution?as i said i like flareons but idm Jolteon or Vaperon92. How would you describe your fashion sense?more street wear i guess?93. Favorite number?dont have ome94. What animal would you be?Wolf, because im the alpha im the leader /ref95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?mermaid96. How many languages can you speak?english but trying to learn german97. Pancakes or waffles?pancakes98. How did you find FR?searched something up about another website and for some reason FR came up99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?not bored anymore100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?why am i still awake


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (23)





July 03, 2024 08:30:50

1. What’s your name?
Kae (not irl name)

2. Got it, how are you doing?
alright, could be better

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
so bored lol

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Probably just general discussion

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Green def

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Dont rlly have a fav, i guess Vans

8. Red or blue?
red all the way

9. What is your actual favorite color?
Green i swear

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
Chocolate 100%

11. Mario or Luigi?
Luigi, been with him since day one (my brother never let me be mario)

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?

13. Do you own any pets?
One horse, one dog and bunch of cattle

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Call of Duty and RDR2 mainly

15. Can you whistle?

16. How many pillows do you own?
Two on my bed but i wish i had more

17. Should you be asleep right now?
yes, its 1AM

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
Cashew, disgusting

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Cubed all the way

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
Just any

23. Worst video game you ever played?
i havent rlly played too many bad ones, all good games. Maybe the newest mw? Though i personally didnt think it was too bad, it was alright. wish it wasnt so rushed

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
never entered one

25. Tea or coffee?
Tea, coffee makes me tired

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
PFP of Ghost choking Soap

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?

29. Favorite emoji?

30. Your favorite movie genre?

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
no idea

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
According to all known laws
of aviation, there is no way a bee
should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

(Barry is picking out a shirt)
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.

Barry! Breakfast is ready!

Hang on a second.
(Barry uses his antenna like a phone)

(Through phone)
- Barry?

- Adam?

- Can you believe this is happening?

- I can't. I'll pick you up.
(Barry flies down the stairs)

idk if you want it to go further then that or not

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Singer even though i suck

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl but love the day

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
I hate when ppl chew with their mouths open

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Adventure ofc

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Listening to Symphony of Destruction by Megadeath rn

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
Clown, i would cry if i was in an elevator alone and no lights

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Only once

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
Nope (surprisingly, i ride horses and motorbikes and live on a farm)

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
Never been

42. What is the meaning of life?

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
I dont remember at all, havent been in ages

44. Do you collect anything?
I collect COD games, anything i find thats cool and knives

45. How’s the weather over there?
Im in NSW so ofc raining

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
No but i will now

51. What about getting some water?
have a water bottle with me

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
watched it with my mum

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Not at all

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
uh idk, prob luigi?

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Personally i loved it (i used to be obsessed with sonic so)

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
I wouldnt mind a dark brown

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
i dont even remember

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
either a shirt, food or a plushie

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
rat sized bull

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
accepting my fate, im not walking down that hall

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
yes ofc

73. Would you recommend it to others?

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
my Leopard shark plush named Kevin, already my best friend

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
kinda hard to answer that now, but i guess the 90s

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
I dyed the ends purple once

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
sorta but not rlly

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
art and english

83. Do you have allergies?

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
no, it scares me

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
Pixar i guess

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
dont read them

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
Eevee or Flareon

91. Best eeveelution?
as i said i like flareons but idm Jolteon or Vaperon

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
more street wear i guess?

93. Favorite number?
dont have ome

94. What animal would you be?
Wolf, because im the alpha im the leader /ref

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
english but trying to learn german

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
searched something up about another website and for some reason FR came up

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
not bored anymore

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
why am i still awake

1. What’s your name?terra2. Got it, how are you doing?good3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?girl4. I see, so what brings you here?was looking at the forums5. Where are you most active in the forums?er dragon share idk6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?yellow7. Favorite shoe brand?vans8. Red or blue?blue 9. What is your actual favorite color?yellow that has like a hint of orange. amber10. Strawberry or chocolate?chocolate11. Mario or Luigi?luigi12. Do you plan on taking over the world?no13. Do you own any pets?yes14. Are you apart of any fandoms?yes15. Can you whistle?yes16. How many pillows do you own?two17. Should you be asleep right now?yes18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?probably bubblegum19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?crushed20. Which continent are you from?europe21. Do you wear glasses?yes22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?idk23. Worst video game you ever played?hard to say24. Have you ever won a contest before?yes25. Tea or coffee?i dont like either but ill go with tea26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?id probably keep it as a dragon27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?no28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?no29. Favorite emoji?smirk cat and money mouth30. Your favorite movie genre?fantasy?? idk31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?idk32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?no33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?neither34. Are you an early bird or night owl?night owl35. What is some of your pet peeves?when people use "your", "you're", "they're", "their", "there"," an" and "a" incorrectly36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?stay put37. What is the last song you were listening to?hub world by zkevin38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?alone with no lights39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?no40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?no41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?no42. What is the meaning of life?4243. When is the last time you had McDonalds?over a week ago44. Do you collect anything?plushies45. How’s the weather over there?grey and rainy46. Are you eating anything right now?no47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?oreos48. Favorite cereal?krave49. Are you wearing a hat right now?no50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?no51. What about getting some water?yes52. Have you seen Bird Box?no53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?fire54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?carpet55. Do you have any organizational advice?no56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?crisps. potato chips57. Crayons or markers?markers58. Smartphones or tablets?tablets59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?i like the ice climber guys60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?havent seen it61. What is one useless fact you can list here?the world record for the portal airboat% speedrun is 13m 40s 390ms62. What is your eye color?blue63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?no64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?idk65. What’s your favorite season of the year?maybe autumn or spring, winter is too cold and summer is too hot66. Do you enjoy reading?depends but generally no67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?lidl bakery cookies68. Have you ever traveled by plane?no69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?50 rat sized bulls70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?can i scrape a hole through the house walls with my spoon71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[url=][img][/img][/url]72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?yes73. Would you recommend it to others?yes74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?no75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?fan76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?1990s as my current age77. Savory or sweet foods?sweet78. Can you do a backflip?no79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?yes80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?no81. Can you handle spicy foods?absolutely not anything more than a pepper will have me on the floor in tears82. What is/was your favorite school subject?physical geography83. Do you have allergies?no?? i had an allergic reaction to peanut butter once but im not allergic to peanuts or any other ingredients that were in it. i do get hayfever though if that counts84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?bugs bunny85. Have you seen Sharktale before?yes86. Pixar or Dreamworks?dreamworks87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?never read any88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?leo89. Pizza or burgers?heavily depends90. Favorite Pokemon?reshiram and noivern91. Best eeveelution?umbreon92. How would you describe your fashion sense?superdry hoodies and the same 2 pairs of jeans93. Favorite number?7294. What animal would you be?cool bird95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?mermaid96. How many languages can you speak?two. three is pushing it97. Pancakes or waffles?pancakes98. How did you find FR?i don't remember99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?no100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?no


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (26)





July 03, 2024 16:50:13

1. What’s your name?

2. Got it, how are you doing?

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
was looking at the forums

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
er dragon share idk

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?

7. Favorite shoe brand?

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
yellow that has like a hint of orange. amber

10. Strawberry or chocolate?

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?

13. Do you own any pets?

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?

15. Can you whistle?

16. How many pillows do you own?

17. Should you be asleep right now?

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
probably bubblegum

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

23. Worst video game you ever played?
hard to say

24. Have you ever won a contest before?

25. Tea or coffee?
i dont like either but ill go with tea

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
id probably keep it as a dragon

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?

29. Favorite emoji?
smirk cat and money mouth

30. Your favorite movie genre?
fantasy?? idk

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
night owl

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
when people use "your", "you're", "they're", "their", "there"," an" and "a" incorrectly

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
stay put

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
hub world by zkevin

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
alone with no lights

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

42. What is the meaning of life?

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
over a week ago

44. Do you collect anything?

45. How’s the weather over there?
grey and rainy

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?

51. What about getting some water?

52. Have you seen Bird Box?

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
crisps. potato chips

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
i like the ice climber guys

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
havent seen it

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
the world record for the portal airboat% speedrun is 13m 40s 390ms

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
maybe autumn or spring, winter is too cold and summer is too hot

66. Do you enjoy reading?
depends but generally no

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
lidl bakery cookies

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
50 rat sized bulls

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
can i scrape a hole through the house walls with my spoon

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
1990s as my current age

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
absolutely not anything more than a pepper will have me on the floor in tears

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
physical geography

83. Do you have allergies?
no?? i had an allergic reaction to peanut butter once but im not allergic to peanuts or any other ingredients that were in it. i do get hayfever though if that counts

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
bugs bunny

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
never read any

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?
heavily depends

90. Favorite Pokemon?
reshiram and noivern

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
superdry hoodies and the same 2 pairs of jeans

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
cool bird

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
two. three is pushing it

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
i don't remember

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?

Last edited on Jul 04, 2024 00:44:32 by terraa

1. What’s your name?I go by zelda typically online :)2. Got it, how are you doing?Good!3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?Gal4. I see, so what brings you here?Stalking the forums and found this, and i needed a little break from the game i was playing before doing a boss fight5. Where are you most active in the forums?Im usually in general discussion and forum games currently6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?P u r p l e7. Favorite shoe brand?Idk honestly, they're all shoes.8. Red or blue?...purple..9. What is your actual favorite color?PURPLE10. Strawberry or chocolate?Chocolate :D11. Mario or Luigi?Both i guess? Im not bug on the mario games12. Do you plan on taking over the world?why would i reveal my plans to you13. Do you own any pets?five! three dogs and two cats14. Are you apart of any fandoms?Many! HUGE legend of zelda fan, Wings of fire, Warrior cats(or warriors), Animal Crossing, a little Splatoon, Big fnaf fan, Stanley parable, and Undertale FANATIC15. Can you whistle?I used to be able to :(16. How many pillows do you own?uhh... i just counted 1017. Should you be asleep right now?thankfully no, but two nights ago i was up at 2 am hunting this godforsaken mosquito in my room. ruined my sleep schedule.[i]edit after continuing this later: still not too late, but it's getting close to 12 am. ive got a couple more hours though[/i]18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?Out of the ones i eat a lot it's probably like peanut butter right now.19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?cubed all the way20. Which continent are you from?North America!21. Do you wear glasses?Somehow no22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?Charmin 23. Worst video game you ever played?I havent run in to many "bad" games yet, but the worst one ive EVER played is this jurassic park game on the play station. imagine the sims but with bad tutorial characters that dont shut up EVER and dinos24. Have you ever won a contest before?not that i can think of off the top of my head-25. Tea or coffee?Im picky about tea, so coffee would be my first option26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?ooh, probably like.. [i]opens game database[/i] maybe a downy fox rat familiar or fairy octopus or false sphinx or magic nymph. i won't keep going.27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?uh no?? unless they're friendly28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?of course!29. Favorite emoji?[emoji=eclipsed sun size=1]30. Your favorite movie genre?i love fantasy adventure31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?MELANIE MARTINEZSIOWnEIUFH:UOSNI:OQWDL32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?i haven't seen that movie in years so no :(33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?Singer cause dancing is hard to connect to more and im not too athletic34. Are you an early bird or night owl?night owl for sure35. What is some of your pet peeves?when someones talking to me or someone next to me and its just: [i]spit sounds more spit sounds tongue sounds[/i] but i guess its okay with asmr?? weird. i also hate it when my mom tastes something and lip smacks like 12 times as if its necessary to taste what shes eating. MY GOD. it makes me want to punch someone.36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?i mean.. both aren't too safe but if im in the open theres a higher chance i wont miss a passing plane or boat and they wont miss me37. What is the last song you were listening to?Megalovania by toby fox ;-; besides that it was mad hatter by melanie martinez.38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?depends on if the clown is friendly. if they are, yes ddefinitley. if not, nope. alone for sure.39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?yes, but i hate loops in them so im very limited to what i can/want to ride.40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?Surprisingly no- i've come close though41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?I have once! my friend and I went shopping a month or two ago cause i needed an outfit for a concert- we checked hot topic out and i was in shock and awe of how much merch they had of melanie martinez. my mom found one of her necklaces and i got one!42. What is the meaning of life?don't ask me43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?aboutt two months ago?44. Do you collect anything?I collect some vinyl (melanie martinez of course). i have the main three albums and im on the hunt for the EP vinyl.45. How’s the weather over there?hot. very hot.46. Are you eating anything right now?no :(47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?OREOS48. Favorite cereal?Uhhh i really like apple jacks49. Are you wearing a hat right now?Pajamas and a sweatshirt50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?I just got back to doing this after a movie actually. Sitting up now and i stretched recently51. What about getting some water?[i]sips water[/i]52. Have you seen Bird Box?no, but i've heard of it53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?Earth. if you think about it, air and water are pretty much part of nature (earth). so..54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?Uhhhhh it's.... dark brown.... wood??55. Do you have any organizational advice?Do what works for you :) as long as you have everything easily accessible *cough*unlike some kids at school*cough*56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?potato chips.57. Crayons or markers?uhh i like markers more- crayons break so easily when i use them.58. Smartphones or tablets?uhh doesn't matter tbh. both screens that function the same but one is more accessible and usable in public.59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?zelda- or sometimes shiek. mainly zelda.60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?I like it! i've never played the games, but it was really well done.61. What is one useless fact you can list here?the fact that i don't know any useless facts62. What is your eye color?IDK ITS A HUGE CONTROVERSY BETWEEN MY FRIENDS. some days it looks really blue and other days it looks really green. i think its blue. one friend thinks its green and the other thinks its both??? 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?Not really, i like my eyes :)64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?i didn't really see anything bad yesterday actually...65. What’s your favorite season of the year?fall. the one time it's not 98 degrees with a 115 heat index.66. Do you enjoy reading?yes. i love reading. i recently read this fantasy trilogy that i absolutely loved. for summer reading i read The Outsiders and i dont remember the last time i ate a book up that fast 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?i would buy the after school EP vinyl68. Have you ever traveled by plane?I think twice in my life- when i was two my family went to hawaii (but i dont remember it) and when i was around eight my mom and I went on a trip to new york69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?50 rat sized bulls- they can hurt but just jump over them.70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?i wait for whatevers trying to get inside. if it's the killer, gouge their eyes out. spoons are useful too.71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[url=][img][/img][/url]Coriander has always been pretty to me- though im a sucker for blue and purple and space colored dragons, shes very simple and.. g r e e n...72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?yes!73. Would you recommend it to others?for sure.74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?no, sadly i was born a good while after :( the 90s are always depicted as fun to me though so i feel like i missed out.75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?my best friend's hair tie she left at my house76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?even though i wouldn't "RE"live it, i would go back and see what it was all about77. Savory or sweet foods?i really like both and it depends on my mood- right now i could go for something like a brownie or like some cherry cobbler.78. Can you do a backflip?nope79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?nope80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?thankfully no. surgery is one of my biggest fears- i do have this cyst thats been hanging out in my left wrist for like two years. my parents want me to get it removed but the thought of going into an OR gives me chills and anxiety.81. Can you handle spicy foods?OF COURSE IM A SOUTHERNER AND A CAJUN82. What is/was your favorite school subject?Science was fun this past year. we actually had an interactive class and a fun teacher. we didn't arrive and pull our textbooks out and be told "mk write down this page and answer these questions and lemme know if you need help. No. biology was incredible and it made me remember how much i love science.83. Do you have allergies?i'm allergic to two medicines. the two best options for treating bacterial infections and stuff (which i get a LOT). i get strep throat pretty much yearly and i learned how to swallow pills about two years ago. before i had to open the capsules and DRINK THE MEDICINE POWDER IN APPLE JUICE. the taste is burned into me i'll never forget it. [i]shivers[/i]84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?bugs bunny85. Have you seen Sharktale before?i think a very long time ago i did86. Pixar or Dreamworks?I love pixar movies. toy story, finding dory, the incredibles, inside out (my favorite. makes me cry every single time), etc. Now that i think about it pixar was the studio i watched most when i was little87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?QWIJJWUAHFI:WUAHf:OWIEHFAHQWAD HOMESTUCK HOMESTUCK HOMESTUCKJ#EIOHFAno not really thats the only one i read 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?Virgo :D89. Pizza or burgers?burgers90. Favorite Pokemon?Mimikyu :D91. Best eeveelution?I really like espeon and umbreon (i actually dont know if thats even an "eeveelution" cause i havent played a pokemon game in like 3 years)92. How would you describe your fashion sense?mostly pajamas and school uniforms, but i wear pastel colors and more cutesy things i guess. (when its not a band or music artist merch)93. Favorite number?2494. What animal would you be?I dunno tbh. i love all animals95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?hmm.. fairy.96. How many languages can you speak?only english :( we just watch encanto and coco in spanish class97. Pancakes or waffles?both98. How did you find FR?a relative told me about it!99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?Cures boredom and is fun to fill out!100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?should i change my wallpaper again


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (29)





July 03, 2024 21:38:15

1. What’s your name?
I go by zelda typically online :)

2. Got it, how are you doing?

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
Stalking the forums and found this, and i needed a little break from the game i was playing before doing a boss fight

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Im usually in general discussion and forum games currently

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
P u r p l e

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Idk honestly, they're all shoes.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
Chocolate :D

11. Mario or Luigi?
Both i guess? Im not bug on the mario games
12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
why would i reveal my plans to you

13. Do you own any pets?
five! three dogs and two cats

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Many! HUGE legend of zelda fan, Wings of fire, Warrior cats(or warriors), Animal Crossing, a little Splatoon, Big fnaf fan, Stanley parable, and Undertale FANATIC

15. Can you whistle?
I used to be able to :(

16. How many pillows do you own?
uhh... i just counted 10

17. Should you be asleep right now?
thankfully no, but two nights ago i was up at 2 am hunting this godforsaken mosquito in my room. ruined my sleep schedule.
edit after continuing this later: still not too late, but it's getting close to 12 am. ive got a couple more hours though

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
Out of the ones i eat a lot it's probably like peanut butter right now.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
cubed all the way

20. Which continent are you from?
North America!

21. Do you wear glasses?
Somehow no

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

23. Worst video game you ever played?
I havent run in to many "bad" games yet, but the worst one ive EVER played is this jurassic park game on the play station. imagine the sims but with bad tutorial characters that dont shut up EVER and dinos

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
not that i can think of off the top of my head-

25. Tea or coffee?
Im picky about tea, so coffee would be my first option

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
ooh, probably like.. opens game database maybe a downy fox rat familiar or fairy octopus or false sphinx or magic nymph. i won't keep going.

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
uh no?? unless they're friendly

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
of course!

29. Favorite emoji?
Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (30)

30. Your favorite movie genre?
i love fantasy adventure

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
i haven't seen that movie in years so no :(

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Singer cause dancing is hard to connect to more and im not too athletic

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
night owl for sure

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
when someones talking to me or someone next to me and its just: spit sounds more spit sounds tongue sounds but i guess its okay with asmr?? weird. i also hate it when my mom tastes something and lip smacks like 12 times as if its necessary to taste what shes eating. MY GOD. it makes me want to punch someone.

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
i mean.. both aren't too safe but if im in the open theres a higher chance i wont miss a passing plane or boat and they wont miss me

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Megalovania by toby fox ;-; besides that it was mad hatter by melanie martinez.

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
depends on if the clown is friendly. if they are, yes ddefinitley. if not, nope. alone for sure.

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
yes, but i hate loops in them so im very limited to what i can/want to ride.

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
Surprisingly no- i've come close though

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
I have once! my friend and I went shopping a month or two ago cause i needed an outfit for a concert- we checked hot topic out and i was in shock and awe of how much merch they had of melanie martinez. my mom found one of her necklaces and i got one!

42. What is the meaning of life?
don't ask me

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
aboutt two months ago?

44. Do you collect anything?
I collect some vinyl (melanie martinez of course). i have the main three albums and im on the hunt for the EP vinyl.

45. How’s the weather over there?
hot. very hot.

46. Are you eating anything right now?
no :(

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
Uhhh i really like apple jacks

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
Pajamas and a sweatshirt

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
I just got back to doing this after a movie actually. Sitting up now and i stretched recently

51. What about getting some water?
sips water

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
no, but i've heard of it

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
Earth. if you think about it, air and water are pretty much part of nature (earth). so..

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
Uhhhhh it's.... dark brown.... wood??

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Do what works for you :) as long as you have everything easily accessible *cough*unlike some kids at school*cough*

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
potato chips.

57. Crayons or markers?
uhh i like markers more- crayons break so easily when i use them.

58. Smartphones or tablets?
uhh doesn't matter tbh. both screens that function the same but one is more accessible and usable in public.

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
zelda- or sometimes shiek. mainly zelda.

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
I like it! i've never played the games, but it was really well done.

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
the fact that i don't know any useless facts

62. What is your eye color?
IDK ITS A HUGE CONTROVERSY BETWEEN MY FRIENDS. some days it looks really blue and other days it looks really green. i think its blue. one friend thinks its green and the other thinks its both???

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
Not really, i like my eyes :)

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
i didn't really see anything bad yesterday actually...

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
fall. the one time it's not 98 degrees with a 115 heat index.

66. Do you enjoy reading?
yes. i love reading. i recently read this fantasy trilogy that i absolutely loved. for summer reading i read The Outsiders and i dont remember the last time i ate a book up that fast

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
i would buy the after school EP vinyl

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
I think twice in my life- when i was two my family went to hawaii (but i dont remember it) and when i was around eight my mom and I went on a trip to new york

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
50 rat sized bulls- they can hurt but just jump over them.

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
i wait for whatevers trying to get inside. if it's the killer, gouge their eyes out. spoons are useful too.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

Coriander has always been pretty to me- though im a sucker for blue and purple and space colored dragons, shes very simple and.. g r e e n...

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?
for sure.

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
no, sadly i was born a good while after :( the 90s are always depicted as fun to me though so i feel like i missed out.

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
my best friend's hair tie she left at my house

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
even though i wouldn't "RE"live it, i would go back and see what it was all about

77. Savory or sweet foods?
i really like both and it depends on my mood- right now i could go for something like a brownie or like some cherry cobbler.

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
thankfully no. surgery is one of my biggest fears- i do have this cyst thats been hanging out in my left wrist for like two years. my parents want me to get it removed but the thought of going into an OR gives me chills and anxiety.

81. Can you handle spicy foods?

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
Science was fun this past year. we actually had an interactive class and a fun teacher. we didn't arrive and pull our textbooks out and be told "mk write down this page and answer these questions and lemme know if you need help. No. biology was incredible and it made me remember how much i love science.

83. Do you have allergies?
i'm allergic to two medicines. the two best options for treating bacterial infections and stuff (which i get a LOT). i get strep throat pretty much yearly and i learned how to swallow ***** about two years ago. before i had to open the capsules and DRINK THE MEDICINE POWDER IN APPLE JUICE. the taste is burned into me i'll never forget it. shivers

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
bugs bunny

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
i think a very long time ago i did

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
I love pixar movies. toy story, finding dory, the incredibles, inside out (my favorite. makes me cry every single time), etc. Now that i think about it pixar was the studio i watched most when i was little

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
no not really thats the only one i read

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
Virgo :D

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
Mimikyu :D

91. Best eeveelution?
I really like espeon and umbreon (i actually dont know if thats even an "eeveelution" cause i havent played a pokemon game in like 3 years)

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
mostly pajamas and school uniforms, but i wear pastel colors and more cutesy things i guess. (when its not a band or music artist merch)

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
I dunno tbh. i love all animals

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
hmm.. fairy.

96. How many languages can you speak?
only english :( we just watch encanto and coco in spanish class

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
a relative told me about it!

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
Cures boredom and is fun to fill out!

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
should i change my wallpaper again

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (32)

1. What’s your name?Hoi, I'm Boops. 2. Got it, how are you doing?Sleepy~3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?Gal4. I see, so what brings you here?Killin' time5. Where are you most active in the forums?Mostly I stay over in FRD6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?Cerulean7. Favorite shoe brand?I used to be a fan of Skechers, but the last two pairs I've had have REALLY hurt my feet - so I'll be looking for something different.8. Red or blue?Blue!9. What is your actual favorite color?Cerulean10. Strawberry or chocolate?Chocolate11. Mario or Luigi?Depends. If no bonuses, either or is fine. If it's one of the games that gives Luigi a weird super jump though, I'd pick him every time. I'd rather be Daisy or Peach though.12. Do you plan on taking over the world?No, I'm too old for world domination. I'll leave that to the kids. 13. Do you own any pets?I have many pets~14. Are you apart of any fandoms?Actively? Not really - I'm introverted so I find it hard to engage with people I don't really know, but I do browse forums for things I enjoy sometimes. 15. Can you whistle?Never have been able to.16. How many pillows do you own?A lot17. Should you be asleep right now?Can't go to bed for about another hour18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?Uhhhh, I've tried a lot of bad ice creams but I'd say my least favorite was Butter Pecan.19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?Cubed20. Which continent are you from?North America21. Do you wear glasses?Yee22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?The one that's on sale23. Worst video game you ever played?Uhhhh.... I don't really have a good answer for that, I've enjoyed at least something about the games I've played. Usually if it's a notoriously bad game, I don't play it myself - I just watch someone else suffer through it on Youtube. 24. Have you ever won a contest before?I'm sure I probably have, but I can't think of any right now.25. Tea or coffee?Neither. Gimme hot cocoa. 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?Probably a turtle or jellyfish.27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?I don't want people in my house, I'd ask them to go away.28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?If it was an emergency, I'd call emergency services for them. I don't even have a landline and I'm not handing my cell phone to a stranger.29. Favorite emoji?[emoji=coatl tongue size=1]30. Your favorite movie genre?Depends on my mood? Sometimes I'm all in on musicals, sometimes I'm all in on horror, sometimes I'm all in on animation.31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?No opinion on this one, I don't really feel a strong urge to hang out with famous people. 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?Nope33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?Neither - I'm a wallflower :D34. Are you an early bird or night owl?Night owl35. What is some of your pet peeves?Leaving 1 square of toilet paper on the roll knowing darn well that the next person in can't do anything at all with that. 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?Depends on the situation and how angry the jungle looks. 37. What is the last song you were listening to?Been playing through the new expansion from FFXIV, so last song I heard was there - couldn't tell you the name of it though. 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?I don't mind clowns, but the elevator would not be as hot if empty and dark - so I'd take solo in the dark.39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?Many a time, yee.40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?I don't think so - but a toe is debatable. 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?I went in there looking for nick-nacks sometimes when I was younger, and sometimes now I go in there to look for stuff for my niece. 42. What is the meaning of life?4243. When is the last time you had McDonalds?Few weeks ago44. Do you collect anything?I have a small BJD collection, and I USED to collect carousel figures - but most of the companies that made them went out of business a long time ago. Of the ones that are still around, I really don't like theirs that much. 45. How’s the weather over there?It heckin HOT46. Are you eating anything right now?Nope47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?Oreos48. Favorite cereal?I swing between Frosted Flakes and Rice Krispies. 49. Are you wearing a hat right now?Pajamas50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?Was up just recently and I'll be up again soon!51. What about getting some water?Grape juice when I get up in a few. 52. Have you seen Bird Box?Yes, but I don't remember it super well. It didn't live up to the hype. 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?Water!54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?[s]Uhhhh.... It was here when we moved into this house but I think it's probably just a cheap tile-print vinyl. If it isn't, I have no idea what it is.[/s] Whoops, misread that as flooring in the bathroom. My bedroom has carpet. 55. Do you have any organizational advice?Don't put it off for two years and then try and do it all in one weekend.56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?Depends on whether or not there are any dips or cheeses present.57. Crayons or markers?Markers58. Smartphones or tablets?Phone, I've never had a tablet though - can't imagine I'd have much use for one.59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?I only ever played the original game, and I played mostly Pikachu. 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?Haven't seen it61. What is one useless fact you can list here?Astronauts usually come back from space taller than when they left. 62. What is your eye color?Brown63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?I'd change it to blue64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?Cat missed the litter box65. What’s your favorite season of the year?Spring and Autumn66. Do you enjoy reading?Yee!67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?Probably an impulse purchase somewhere online68. Have you ever traveled by plane?Just once!69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?50 rat sized bulls70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?Gonna fight off whoever is at the door with my spoon71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?Depends on the day when you ask! Right now I'm vibin' with my profile dragon.72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?Sure!73. Would you recommend it to others?If I situationally knew they were bored and needed to kill a few minutes? Sure.74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?Yup.75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?My cell phone [emoji=coatl sad size=1]76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?I don't really want to go back to the 90s. I like easily accessible internet. 77. Savory or sweet foods?Yes78. Can you do a backflip?I'd probably break my back if I tried79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?Nope80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?Just minor totally outpatient stuff81. Can you handle spicy foods?No D:82. What is/was your favorite school subject?I was always a fan of English.83. Do you have allergies?Mild seasonal ones84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?Bugs85. Have you seen Sharktale before?Uhhhh.... maybe but I don't remember86. Pixar or Dreamworks?Yes, just give me a movie and let me watch it.87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?I'm not reading any at the moment88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?Capricorn89. Pizza or burgers?Pizza90. Favorite Pokemon?Eevee!91. Best eeveelution?They're all amazing, but I really like Espeon. 92. How would you describe your fashion sense?Boring adult who prioritizes comfort over anything else93. Favorite number?694. What animal would you be?Snow leopard95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?Mermaid96. How many languages can you speak?Just English, plus a few disparate words and phrases that stuck in my head from my short time taking German and Japanese.97. Pancakes or waffles?Neither.98. How did you find FR?I think I learned about it from reading something on Undel's old website, but unfortunately it was after the kickstarter had already ended. Took me a while after I was aware of it to catch a registration window.99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?Killed some time for me!100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?Why are you like this


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (48)





July 04, 2024 01:33:57

1. What’s your name?
Hoi, I'm Boops.

2. Got it, how are you doing?

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
Killin' time

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Mostly I stay over in FRD

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?

7. Favorite shoe brand?
I used to be a fan of Skechers, but the last two pairs I've had have REALLY hurt my feet - so I'll be looking for something different.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?

10. Strawberry or chocolate?

11. Mario or Luigi?
Depends. If no bonuses, either or is fine. If it's one of the games that gives Luigi a weird super jump though, I'd pick him every time. I'd rather be Daisy or Peach though.

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
No, I'm too old for world domination. I'll leave that to the kids.

13. Do you own any pets?
I have many pets~

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Actively? Not really - I'm introverted so I find it hard to engage with people I don't really know, but I do browse forums for things I enjoy sometimes.

15. Can you whistle?
Never have been able to.

16. How many pillows do you own?
A lot

17. Should you be asleep right now?
Can't go to bed for about another hour

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
Uhhhh, I've tried a lot of bad ice creams but I'd say my least favorite was Butter Pecan.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?

20. Which continent are you from?
North America

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
The one that's on sale

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Uhhhh.... I don't really have a good answer for that, I've enjoyed at least something about the games I've played. Usually if it's a notoriously bad game, I don't play it myself - I just watch someone else suffer through it on Youtube.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
I'm sure I probably have, but I can't think of any right now.

25. Tea or coffee?
Neither. Gimme hot cocoa.

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Probably a turtle or jellyfish.

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
I don't want people in my house, I'd ask them to go away.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
If it was an emergency, I'd call emergency services for them. I don't even have a landline and I'm not handing my cell phone to a stranger.

29. Favorite emoji?
Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (49)

30. Your favorite movie genre?
Depends on my mood? Sometimes I'm all in on musicals, sometimes I'm all in on horror, sometimes I'm all in on animation.

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
No opinion on this one, I don't really feel a strong urge to hang out with famous people.

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Neither - I'm a wallflower :D

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
Leaving 1 square of toilet paper on the roll knowing darn well that the next person in can't do anything at all with that.

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Depends on the situation and how angry the jungle looks.

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Been playing through the new expansion from FFXIV, so last song I heard was there - couldn't tell you the name of it though.

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
I don't mind clowns, but the elevator would not be as hot if empty and dark - so I'd take solo in the dark.

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Many a time, yee.

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
I don't think so - but a toe is debatable.

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
I went in there looking for nick-nacks sometimes when I was younger, and sometimes now I go in there to look for stuff for my niece.

42. What is the meaning of life?

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Few weeks ago

44. Do you collect anything?
I have a small BJD collection, and I USED to collect carousel figures - but most of the companies that made them went out of business a long time ago. Of the ones that are still around, I really don't like theirs that much.

45. How’s the weather over there?
It heckin HOT

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
I swing between Frosted Flakes and Rice Krispies.

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
Was up just recently and I'll be up again soon!

51. What about getting some water?
Grape juice when I get up in a few.

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
Yes, but I don't remember it super well. It didn't live up to the hype.

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

Uhhhh.... It was here when we moved into this house but I think it's probably just a cheap tile-print vinyl. If it isn't, I have no idea what it is.

Whoops, misread that as flooring in the bathroom. My bedroom has carpet.

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Don't put it off for two years and then try and do it all in one weekend.

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Depends on whether or not there are any dips or cheeses present.

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?
Phone, I've never had a tablet though - can't imagine I'd have much use for one.

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
I only ever played the original game, and I played mostly Pikachu.

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Haven't seen it

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
Astronauts usually come back from space taller than when they left.

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
I'd change it to blue

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
Cat missed the litter box

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
Spring and Autumn

66. Do you enjoy reading?

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Probably an impulse purchase somewhere online

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Just once!

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
50 rat sized bulls

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Gonna fight off whoever is at the door with my spoon

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Depends on the day when you ask! Right now I'm vibin' with my profile dragon.

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?
If I situationally knew they were bored and needed to kill a few minutes? Sure.

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
My cell phone Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (50)

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
I don't really want to go back to the 90s. I like easily accessible internet.

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?
I'd probably break my back if I tried

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
Just minor totally outpatient stuff

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
No D:

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I was always a fan of English.

83. Do you have allergies?
Mild seasonal ones

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
Uhhhh.... maybe but I don't remember

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
Yes, just give me a movie and let me watch it.

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
I'm not reading any at the moment

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?

91. Best eeveelution?
They're all amazing, but I really like Espeon.

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Boring adult who prioritizes comfort over anything else

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
Snow leopard

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
Just English, plus a few disparate words and phrases that stuck in my head from my short time taking German and Japanese.

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
I think I learned about it from reading something on Undel's old website, but unfortunately it was after the kickstarter had already ended. Took me a while after I was aware of it to catch a registration window.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
Killed some time for me!

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
Why are you like this

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (53)

Last edited on Jul 06, 2024 22:51:49 by Boops

1. What’s your name?Call me Spotted :]2. Got it, how are you doing?Alright3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?Gal4. I see, so what brings you here?I remember when this thread was new, funny to see it up again5. Where are you most active in the forums?Dragon Share and General Discussion6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?Light blue7. Favorite shoe brand?Don't have one. Just needs to be comfortable and sturdy with arch support. Absolutely no heels.8. Red or blue?Blue9. What is your actual favorite color?Light blue. :P I like light green, light yellow, light pink too.10. Strawberry or chocolate?Strawberry milk, icecream, and pocky, chocolate everything else.11. Mario or Luigi?My brother always took Luigi in [i]New Super Mario Bros. Wii[/i], so I ended up being Mario. When I got to pick before him though I'd always be yellow toad.12. Do you plan on taking over the world?No13. Do you own any pets?Two cats and one dog14. Are you apart of any fandoms?Depends on your definition of "in" a Fandom. If you mean, a big fan of and I create/view artwork and fanfiction of a series and read different theories online and talk to friends as well as keeping up to date on the series/music then yes. If you mean, actively discussing it on forums online and interacting with other fans a lot in that way then nah. Current fandoms would be Trigun Stampede, Dr. Stone, Hunter x Hunter, Fleet Foxes, and The Oh Hellos. 15. Can you whistle?Yes!16. How many pillows do you own?Let's see, counting seasonal then... About ten! If you count plushies that I use kinda like pillows then actually fourteen.17. Should you be asleep right now?Nope!18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?Hmm... chocolate chip, the type with no cookie dough. I love chocolate chip cookie dough icecream though.19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?Cubed. Which I love to chew lol oop.20. Which continent are you from?North America 21. Do you wear glasses?Nope22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?Cottonelle23. Worst video game you ever played?Ugh. Probably a deceptive mobile game that looks fun and you download and it's just a picture or isn't even what you thought it would be.24. Have you ever won a contest before?Technically? Idk if it's considered a contest or not. It was a zoo quiz when I was a kid and the person who answered the most questions correctly was me and I got a couple animal stencils and wildlife national park stickers.25. Tea or coffee?Both26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?My pets, a moth, or one of my ocs. Or an owl. Let's be honest, just like my fr dragons It would always be changing. :p27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?Heck no.28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?Probably not?? Not because they're goth but because they're a stranger and I'm not about that life lol. Stay outta my house.29. Favorite emoji?[emoji=gaoler laughing size=1] I'm very partial to the gaoler emojis on here.30. Your favorite movie genre?Indie folk ! 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?Maybe Fleet Foxes or The Oh Hellos so I can ask them about their song writing process and just be??? Really excited to be in the same room as them to be honest hahaha. I think both bands would be really chill and nice to hang out with. :)32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?No.33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?Singer! But usually only when I am alone.34. Are you an early bird or night owl?Night owl who is forcing herself to try and become an early bird. :>35. What is some of your pet peeves?When people like something only because it is popular or not liking something just because it isn't popular. Also "cringe culture" in general.36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?Go into the jungle and look for supplies and study and learn about the ecosystem and how things work.37. What is the last song you were listening to?New Slang - The Shins (2021 remaster)38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?Hmm... I'm not scared of clowns, so as long as it wasn't a creepy clown and it was just a person who happened to be dressed as a clown.39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?Nope.40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?Nope.41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?I... well the answer to that a few months ago would have been no. But then Trigun Stampede happened so... yes.42. What is the meaning of life?To love and accept each other and lift each other up.43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?Maybe three weeks ago.44. Do you collect anything?Yes! I collect rocks and gemstones, insect exoskeletons, interesting sticks, fossils, discarded/hatched wild bird eggshells, anime figures, and pins!45. How’s the weather over there?Warm and sunny, getting very hot.46. Are you eating anything right now?Nope.47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?Oreos without a doubt.48. Favorite cereal?Cinnamon Toast Crunch :)49. Are you wearing a hat right now?No, but yes to headband.50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?Yes, thanks for the reminder.51. What about getting some water?Just drank some. :>52. Have you seen Bird Box?Yes53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?Air54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?Hardwood flooring55. Do you have any organizational advice?Everything should have a place and you should always put things away in their place when not in use. But honestly I'm the last person you should ask about organization. 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?Hmm... potato chips. Kettle cooked.57. Crayons or markers?Markers. 58. Smartphones or tablets?Smartphone 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?Oh gosh.. Idek who you can all be in Super Smash Bros. Looking at a list... Steve Or Alex?? Mewtwo?? Palutena?? Idk60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?Never watched it.61. What is one useless fact you can list here?Did you know that I have a freckle inside of my eye?62. What is your eye color?Kind of a like a gray or hazel gray. Sometimes they look blue, sometimes gray, sometimes hazel, it really depends.63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?Nope. I'm happy with it.64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?AI art popping up on google of Meryl from Trigun Stampede, it made me mad lol.65. What’s your favorite season of the year?Fall.66. Do you enjoy reading?Yes, used to read a lot more in my youth but I still do occasionally.67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?How about... some Flight Rising Gems. :p68. Have you ever traveled by plane?No but I want to.69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?50 rat sized bulls.70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?I go through the creepy hall I guess71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[url=][img][/img][/url] Right now, this guy!72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?Sure73. Would you recommend it to others?Sure.74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?Boi, I didn't even exist in the 90s.75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?Awww my doggy. <3376. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?Re-live? I've never been in the 90s. :p77. Savory or sweet foods?Both, in the perfect balance of sweet and savory.78. Can you do a backflip?Heck no.79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?Only with kool-aid as a kid.80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?Nope81. Can you handle spicy foods?Yes.82. What is/was your favorite school subject?Art, history, literature, and science.83. Do you have allergies?Quite a few unfortunately.84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?Neither 85. Have you seen Sharktale before?Maybe, I don't remember. 86. Pixar or Dreamworks?Both.87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?Nope.88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?Capricorn and Dragon.89. Pizza or burgers?Pizza90. Favorite Pokemon?Never played believe or or not. But I'd say... Frosmoth, or Sprigatito.91. Best eeveelution?Hands down Slyveon! So pretty. 92. How would you describe your fashion sense?Whatever mood I'm in, it depends.93. Favorite number?I like 27 for some reason Idk 94. What animal would you be?Wolf95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?Mermaid I guess96. How many languages can you speak?One97. Pancakes or waffles?Pancakes98. How did you find FR?Through some friends online99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?It helped me kill time. 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?Nah.


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (56)





July 04, 2024 11:23:42

1. What’s your name?
Call me Spotted :]

2. Got it, how are you doing?

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
I remember when this thread was new, funny to see it up again

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Dragon Share and General Discussion

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Light blue

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Don't have one. Just needs to be comfortable and sturdy with arch support. Absolutely no heels.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
Light blue. :P I like light green, light yellow, light pink too.

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
Strawberry milk, icecream, and pocky, chocolate everything else.
11. Mario or Luigi?
My brother always took Luigi in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, so I ended up being Mario. When I got to pick before him though I'd always be yellow toad.

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?

13. Do you own any pets?
Two cats and one dog

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Depends on your definition of "in" a Fandom. If you mean, a big fan of and I create/view artwork and fanfiction of a series and read different theories online and talk to friends as well as keeping up to date on the series/music then yes. If you mean, actively discussing it on forums online and interacting with other fans a lot in that way then nah. Current fandoms would be Trigun Stampede, Dr. Stone, Hunter x Hunter, Fleet Foxes, and The Oh Hellos.

15. Can you whistle?

16. How many pillows do you own?
Let's see, counting seasonal then... About ten! If you count plushies that I use kinda like pillows then actually fourteen.

17. Should you be asleep right now?
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
Hmm... chocolate chip, the type with no cookie dough. I love chocolate chip cookie dough icecream though.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Cubed. Which I love to chew lol oop.

20. Which continent are you from?
North America

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Ugh. Probably a deceptive mobile game that looks fun and you download and it's just a picture or isn't even what you thought it would be.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
Technically? Idk if it's considered a contest or not. It was a zoo quiz when I was a kid and the person who answered the most questions correctly was me and I got a couple animal stencils and wildlife national park stickers.

25. Tea or coffee?

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
My pets, a moth, or one of my ocs. Or an owl. Let's be honest, just like my fr dragons It would always be changing. :p

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Heck no.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Probably not?? Not because they're goth but because they're a stranger and I'm not about that life lol. Stay outta my house.

29. Favorite emoji?
Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (57) I'm very partial to the gaoler emojis on here.

30. Your favorite movie genre?
Indie folk !

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Maybe Fleet Foxes or The Oh Hellos so I can ask them about their song writing process and just be??? Really excited to be in the same room as them to be honest hahaha. I think both bands would be really chill and nice to hang out with. :)

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Singer! But usually only when I am alone.

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl who is forcing herself to try and become an early bird. :>

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
When people like something only because it is popular or not liking something just because it isn't popular. Also "cringe culture" in general.

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Go into the jungle and look for supplies and study and learn about the ecosystem and how things work.

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
New Slang - The Shins (2021 remaster)

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
Hmm... I'm not scared of clowns, so as long as it wasn't a creepy clown and it was just a person who happened to be dressed as a clown.

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
I... well the answer to that a few months ago would have been no. But then Trigun Stampede happened so... yes.

42. What is the meaning of life?
To love and accept each other and lift each other up.

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Maybe three weeks ago.

44. Do you collect anything?
Yes! I collect rocks and gemstones, insect exoskeletons, interesting sticks, fossils, discarded/hatched wild bird eggshells, anime figures, and pins!

45. How’s the weather over there?
Warm and sunny, getting very hot.

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
Oreos without a doubt.

48. Favorite cereal?
Cinnamon Toast Crunch :)

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
No, but yes to headband.

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
Yes, thanks for the reminder.

51. What about getting some water?
Just drank some. :>

52. Have you seen Bird Box?

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
Hardwood flooring

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Everything should have a place and you should always put things away in their place when not in use. But honestly I'm the last person you should ask about organization.

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Hmm... potato chips. Kettle cooked.

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
Oh gosh.. Idek who you can all be in Super Smash Bros. Looking at a list... Steve Or Alex?? Mewtwo?? Palutena?? Idk

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Never watched it.

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
Did you know that I have a freckle inside of my eye?

62. What is your eye color?
Kind of a like a gray or hazel gray. Sometimes they look blue, sometimes gray, sometimes hazel, it really depends.

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
Nope. I'm happy with it.

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
AI art popping up on google of Meryl from Trigun Stampede, it made me mad lol.

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?
Yes, used to read a lot more in my youth but I still do occasionally.

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
How about... some Flight Rising Gems. :p

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
No but I want to.

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
50 rat sized bulls.

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
I go through the creepy hall I guess

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Right now, this guy!

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
Boi, I didn't even exist in the 90s.

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
Awww my doggy. <33

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Re-live? I've never been in the 90s. :p

77. Savory or sweet foods?
Both, in the perfect balance of sweet and savory.

78. Can you do a backflip?
Heck no.

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
Only with kool-aid as a kid.

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
Art, history, literature, and science.

83. Do you have allergies?
Quite a few unfortunately.

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
Maybe, I don't remember.

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
Capricorn and Dragon.

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
Never played believe or or not. But I'd say... Frosmoth, or Sprigatito.

91. Best eeveelution?
Hands down Slyveon! So pretty.

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Whatever mood I'm in, it depends.

93. Favorite number?
I like 27 for some reason Idk

94. What animal would you be?

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
Mermaid I guess

96. How many languages can you speak?

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
Through some friends online

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
It helped me kill time.

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?



███Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (60)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (61)Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (62)

She/her - 23 - Artist

Trigun Stampede - Dr. Stone

Fleet Foxes - Delicious in Dungeon

- Avatar Dragon Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (64)

[b]1. What’s your name?[/b]welp there's no easy way to make a more name-like nickname out of my username, and I'm too aware of internet safety to say anything more than that right now..[b]2. Got it, how are you doing?[/b]Dunno. Getting by I guess.[b]3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?[/b]Guy.[b]4. I see, so what brings you here?[/b]This thread just happened to pop up again. I've seen it around in the past and considered doing it before. Might as well?[b]5. Where are you most active in the forums?[/b]I would guess General Discussion, but maybe also Forum Games[b]6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?[/b]Blood red.[b]7. Favorite shoe brand?[/b]I don't really pay attention to things like brand name. What matters to me is how the shoe looks[b]8. Red or blue?[/b]I know I just said red but I'm gonna pick blue this time lol[b]9. What is your actual favorite color?[/b]Medium grey, namely when paired with black[b]10. Strawberry or chocolate?[/b]Chocolate[b]11. Mario or Luigi?[/b]Luigi[b]12. Do you plan on taking over the world?[/b]If I did I don't think I would tell anyone[b]14. Are you apart of any fandoms?[/b]Technically, but I'm not usually "active" in fandom communities, so it doesn't really feel like I am.[b]15. Can you whistle?[/b]Probably, but it's been a long time.[b]16. How many pillows do you own?[/b]Two if we're only counting the ones on my bed.[b]17. Should you be asleep right now?[/b]nope[b]18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?[/b]I wouldn't call it the worst but I recently had some pistachio and the pistachios themselves didn't really jive with the ice cream.[b]19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?[/b]shaved or cubed.[b]20. Which continent are you from?[/b]Not telling.[b]21. Do you wear glasses?[/b]I'm supposedly supposed to but I don't actually need them so I don't.[b]22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?[/b]I don't pay attention to brand names but whichever kind packages the rolls individually is more convenient for keeping them from getting dusty and such.[b]23. Worst video game you ever played?[/b]If we're counting specific parts of video games, that would be Primrose's story route in Octopath Traveler.. The rest of the game was fine, but that one was unpleasant and poorly written.[b]24. Have you ever won a contest before?[/b]I don't exactly remember every contest, but I'm pretty sure I got second place in an art contest a long time ago.[b]25. Tea or coffee?[/b]Both can taste good ..depending on the kind. The only tea I sometimes drink is a calming herbal blend (which doesn't really taste good unfortunately). I don't dislike coffee, but I usually avoid it because caffeine is detrimental if you have anxiety or anything of the like. (same goes for teas that have caffeine)[b]26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?[/b]Probably some self-portrait art like what's on my clan profile.[b]27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?[/b]Really depends on the specific circ*mstances. Like if they actually need help, or if they're just there to recruit followers for their cult or smth..[b]28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?[/b]tbh they can just stay outside while I make the call for them. Nothing against them, I just don't see a reason to complicate things. And I don't actually let people in. Or let people touch my phone, for that matter.[b]29. Favorite emoji?[/b]my top three are :joy: and the one with its head exploding like a volcano, and also pensive cowboy. Oh, and the cityscape ones, they're pretty.[b]30. Your favorite movie genre?[/b]uuuuhhh I don't watch movies very often.. Action/Adventure? maybe a little bit of romance?[b]31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?[/b]I'm not super into celebrities and even if I was I feel like that'd just be awkward lol[b]32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?[/b]Thankfully, no.[b]33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?[/b]Sadly, neither.[b]34. Are you an early bird or night owl?[/b]Actually, both. My schedule is constantly changing.[b]35. What is some of your pet peeves?[/b]when people have pet peeves about what I do.. And when people/things are unsanitary..[b]36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?[/b]We're going on a jungle adventure yo(although hanging out on the beach would be nice too)[b]37. What is the last song you were listening to?[/b]either something on the chillhop radio, or whatever background music was playing in the game I last watched on a stream[b]38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?[/b]Elevators make me nauseous but I'd still pick the elevator. (unless the question had an elevator either way? in which case I pick alone with no lights)[b]39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?[/b]Maybe technically a medium-small one long ago[b]40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?[/b]Not yet[b]41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?[/b]I think I went there once. And I think that says whether I do, so I guess not[b]42. What is the meaning of life?[/b]Ayy I see a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference~ And more seriously.. Despite still being rather young, I gotta say I've actually found some.. Enlightenment. It'd probably be hard to describe it all. Life is a mix of importance and meaninglessness.[b]43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?[/b]So long ago I wouldn't remember. My childhood had a different favored fast food. And I don't do fast food anymore.[b]44. Do you collect anything?[/b]Not really, unless things on FR count.[b]45. How’s the weather over there?[/b]nighttime so I'm not sure[b]46. Are you eating anything right now?[/b]nope[b]47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?[/b]oreos[b]48. Favorite cereal?[/b]currently it's Kix, but that may change[b]49. Are you wearing a hat right now?[/b]nope[b]52. Have you seen Bird Box?[/b]No idea what that is.[b]53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?[/b]definitely Fire (especially if it includes lightning like it does in atla)[b]54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?[/b]carpet[b]55. Do you have any organizational advice?[/b]Most things can be solved with plastic bins of varying sizes. Clothes? Plastic bin. Old toys? Plastic bin. Tyrannical mastermind? Plastic bin. It also feels great to give away things that are no longer needed.[b]56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?[/b]potato chips[b]57. Crayons or markers?[/b]crayons are nostalgic and smell better but markers are usually more efficient for varied surfaces (unless they dry out)[b]58. Smartphones or tablets?[/b]smartphones I guess[b]59. Who do you main in Super Smash Bros.?[/b]Last time I played it was Cloud.[b]61. What is one useless fact you can list here?[/b]Most of what people consider to be "intelligence" is actually just useless facts.[b]62. What is your eye color?[/b]Let's just call it "dark teal" since that's close enough, fitting for lightning flight, and I also don't want to reveal anything more realistic-sounding.[b]63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?[/b]maybe darken it a bit more, but also turn up the saturation[b]64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?[/b]a lot of blursed creatures in Spore while watching a streamer play it[b]65. What’s your favorite season of the year?[/b]any time that's cool and cloudy, and/or rainy[b]66. Do you enjoy reading?[/b]really depends what it is I'm reading[b]67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?[/b]probably the cheapest piece of classy menswear I can find[b]68. Have you ever traveled by plane?[/b]Yeah but it was so long ago I only have a few memories of it.[b]69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?[/b]the rat-sized bulls because bulls seem cleaner and are probably only dangerous when bull-sized.[b]70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?[/b]I'd probably wait to see if the thing behind the door stops trying to get in, and only try the hallway if the thing keeps going for a long time, or sounds like it's going to succeed at getting in.[b]71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[/b]That's a tough one… Like, a really tough one. I guess we'll give today's spotlight to this one:[url=][img][/img][/url][b]72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?[/b]I'd say it's decently fun to do~ I admit that I decided to remove a few questions since I either just didn't feel like answering or they no longer applied by now (like the one about time traveling forward to the 2020’s)[b]73. Would you recommend it to others?[/b]I mean, in theory perhaps, but that'd probably be awkward lol[b]74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?[/b]No.[b]75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?[/b]My folding chair! Of course it is.[b]77. Savory or sweet foods?[/b]Either way.[b]79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?[/b]Just part of it once.[b]81. Can you handle spicy foods?[/b]Usually, yes.[b]82. What is/was your favorite school subject?[/b]I guess probably something along the lines of Literature or Korean.[b]83. Do you have allergies?[/b]not that I know of, though I think I have experienced allergic reactions before, I just don't know exactly what it was that caused them.[b]84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?[/b]honestly not really into looney tunes, but Daffy Duck I guess[b]85. Have you seen Sharktale before?[/b]if you mean the cgi movie that vibed Finding Nemo but with a whale car wash or something.. yeah. It was a long time ago though, so I don't remember most of it.[b]86. Pixar or Dreamworks?[/b]Honestly I seldom differentiate the two[b]87. Any webcomics you would recommend?[/b]The only ones I still read lately are Paranatural and Awkward Zombie (which isn't actually about zombies btw)[b]88. What is your zodiac?[/b]Leo. (soooo glad lightning flight got the leo familiar!)[b]89. Pizza or burgers?[/b]I guess pizza[b]90. Favorite Pokemon?[/b]it used to be Minun but I also recently got into Tandemaus for a while.. There are a lot of other good ones lately too.[b]91. Best eeveelution?[/b]Sylveon, namely the shiny[b]92. How would you describe your fashion sense?[/b]A mix of formal and casual-formal (blazer jackets, button-down shirts, neckties) and something I guess I'd call "freestyle teen-like vibes" (short sleeve plaid jackets, polo shirts, ripped jeans), with a hint of gothic punk (spiked denim, dark masks, emo hair). Any of those three, either mixed together or separate. But of course, weather and occasion don't usually permit me to get fun with it..[b]93. Favorite number?[/b]9[b]94. What animal would you be?[/b]There are a lot of good ones to choose from, but if I had to pick just one, in the end I think I'd be a fox. Or maybe some kind of hawk type bird so I could fly, but idk[b]95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?[/b]Fairy, that way I could have some wasp-type bug wings, and also because if it was mermaid I'd lose my lower half, which has some.. things that are too good to lose if y'know what I mean[b]96. How many languages can you speak?[/b]Two, and I know some bits of others as well.[b]97. Pancakes or waffles?[/b]Really depends how it's made, like if we're talking premade toaster waffle or made from scratch. Honestly tho... French toast.[b]98. How did you find FR?[/b]my sibling found it, and I have no recollection of how they did.[b]99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?[/b]was something to do, and also a casual form of self expression so that's nice[b]100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?[/b]well there isn't anything I wouldn't already know about myself.. and I can't think of anything fun to put rn


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (66)





July 04, 2024 21:15:14

1. What’s your name?
welp there's no easy way to make a more name-like nickname out of my username, and I'm too aware of internet safety to say anything more than that right now..

2. Got it, how are you doing?
Dunno. Getting by I guess.

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
This thread just happened to pop up again. I've seen it around in the past and considered doing it before. Might as well?

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
I would guess General Discussion, but maybe also Forum Games

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Blood red.

7. Favorite shoe brand?
I don't really pay attention to things like brand name. What matters to me is how the shoe looks

8. Red or blue?
I know I just said red but I'm gonna pick blue this time lol

9. What is your actual favorite color?
Medium grey, namely when paired with black

10. Strawberry or chocolate?

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
If I did I don't think I would tell anyone

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Technically, but I'm not usually "active" in fandom communities, so it doesn't really feel like I am.

15. Can you whistle?
Probably, but it's been a long time.

16. How many pillows do you own?
Two if we're only counting the ones on my bed.

17. Should you be asleep right now?

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
I wouldn't call it the worst but I recently had some pistachio and the pistachios themselves didn't really jive with the ice cream.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
shaved or cubed.

20. Which continent are you from?
Not telling.

21. Do you wear glasses?
I'm supposedly supposed to but I don't actually need them so I don't.

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
I don't pay attention to brand names but whichever kind packages the rolls individually is more convenient for keeping them from getting dusty and such.

23. Worst video game you ever played?
If we're counting specific parts of video games, that would be Primrose's story route in Octopath Traveler.. The rest of the game was fine, but that one was unpleasant and poorly written.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
I don't exactly remember every contest, but I'm pretty sure I got second place in an art contest a long time ago.

25. Tea or coffee?
Both can taste good ..depending on the kind. The only tea I sometimes drink is a calming herbal blend (which doesn't really taste good unfortunately). I don't dislike coffee, but I usually avoid it because caffeine is detrimental if you have anxiety or anything of the like. (same goes for teas that have caffeine)

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Probably some self-portrait art like what's on my clan profile.

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Really depends on the specific circ*mstances. Like if they actually need help, or if they're just there to recruit followers for their cult or smth..

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
tbh they can just stay outside while I make the call for them. Nothing against them, I just don't see a reason to complicate things. And I don't actually let people in. Or let people touch my phone, for that matter.

29. Favorite emoji?
my top three are :joy: and the one with its head exploding like a volcano, and also pensive cowboy. Oh, and the cityscape ones, they're pretty.

30. Your favorite movie genre?
uuuuhhh I don't watch movies very often.. Action/Adventure? maybe a little bit of romance?

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
I'm not super into celebrities and even if I was I feel like that'd just be awkward lol

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Thankfully, no.

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Sadly, neither.

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Actually, both. My schedule is constantly changing.

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
when people have pet peeves about what I do.. And when people/things are unsanitary..

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
We're going on a jungle adventure yo
(although hanging out on the beach would be nice too)

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
either something on the chillhop radio, or whatever background music was playing in the game I last watched on a stream

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
Elevators make me nauseous but I'd still pick the elevator. (unless the question had an elevator either way? in which case I pick alone with no lights)

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Maybe technically a medium-small one long ago

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
Not yet

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
I think I went there once. And I think that says whether I do, so I guess not

42. What is the meaning of life?
Ayy I see a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference~ And more seriously.. Despite still being rather young, I gotta say I've actually found some.. Enlightenment. It'd probably be hard to describe it all. Life is a mix of importance and meaninglessness.

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
So long ago I wouldn't remember. My childhood had a different favored fast food. And I don't do fast food anymore.

44. Do you collect anything?
Not really, unless things on FR count.

45. How’s the weather over there?
nighttime so I'm not sure

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
currently it's Kix, but that may change

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
No idea what that is.

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
definitely Fire (especially if it includes lightning like it does in atla)

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Most things can be solved with plastic bins of varying sizes. Clothes? Plastic bin. Old toys? Plastic bin. Tyrannical mastermind? Plastic bin. It also feels great to give away things that are no longer needed.

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
potato chips

57. Crayons or markers?
crayons are nostalgic and smell better but markers are usually more efficient for varied surfaces (unless they dry out)

58. Smartphones or tablets?
smartphones I guess

59. Who do you main in Super Smash Bros.?
Last time I played it was Cloud.

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
Most of what people consider to be "intelligence" is actually just useless facts.

62. What is your eye color?
Let's just call it "dark teal" since that's close enough, fitting for lightning flight, and I also don't want to reveal anything more realistic-sounding.

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
maybe darken it a bit more, but also turn up the saturation

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
a lot of blursed creatures in Spore while watching a streamer play it

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
any time that's cool and cloudy, and/or rainy

66. Do you enjoy reading?
really depends what it is I'm reading

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
probably the cheapest piece of classy menswear I can find

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Yeah but it was so long ago I only have a few memories of it.

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
the rat-sized bulls because bulls seem cleaner and are probably only dangerous when bull-sized.

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
I'd probably wait to see if the thing behind the door stops trying to get in, and only try the hallway if the thing keeps going for a long time, or sounds like it's going to succeed at getting in.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
That's a tough one… Like, a really tough one. I guess we'll give today's spotlight to this one:

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
I'd say it's decently fun to do~ I admit that I decided to remove a few questions since I either just didn't feel like answering or they no longer applied by now (like the one about time traveling forward to the 2020’s)

73. Would you recommend it to others?
I mean, in theory perhaps, but that'd probably be awkward lol

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
My folding chair! Of course it is.

77. Savory or sweet foods?
Either way.

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
Just part of it once.

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Usually, yes.

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I guess probably something along the lines of Literature or Korean.

83. Do you have allergies?
not that I know of, though I think I have experienced allergic reactions before, I just don't know exactly what it was that caused them.

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
honestly not really into looney tunes, but Daffy Duck I guess

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
if you mean the cgi movie that vibed Finding Nemo but with a whale car wash or something.. yeah. It was a long time ago though, so I don't remember most of it.

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
Honestly I seldom differentiate the two

87. Any webcomics you would recommend?
The only ones I still read lately are Paranatural and Awkward Zombie (which isn't actually about zombies btw)

88. What is your zodiac?
Leo. (soooo glad lightning flight got the leo familiar!)

89. Pizza or burgers?
I guess pizza

90. Favorite Pokemon?
it used to be Minun but I also recently got into Tandemaus for a while.. There are a lot of other good ones lately too.

91. Best eeveelution?
Sylveon, namely the shiny

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
A mix of formal and casual-formal (blazer jackets, button-down shirts, neckties) and something I guess I'd call "freestyle teen-like vibes" (short sleeve plaid jackets, polo shirts, ripped jeans), with a hint of gothic punk (spiked denim, dark masks, emo hair). Any of those three, either mixed together or separate. But of course, weather and occasion don't usually permit me to get fun with it..

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
There are a lot of good ones to choose from, but if I had to pick just one, in the end I think I'd be a fox. Or maybe some kind of hawk type bird so I could fly, but idk

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
Fairy, that way I could have some wasp-type bug wings, and also because if it was mermaid I'd lose my lower half, which has some.. things that are too good to lose if y'know what I mean

96. How many languages can you speak?
Two, and I know some bits of others as well.

97. Pancakes or waffles?
Really depends how it's made, like if we're talking premade toaster waffle or made from scratch. Honestly tho... French toast.

98. How did you find FR?
my sibling found it, and I have no recollection of how they did.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
was something to do, and also a casual form of self expression so that's nice

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
well there isn't anything I wouldn't already know about myself.. and I can't think of anything fun to put rn

He / Him Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (70) Be kind pls

Last edited on Jul 09, 2024 00:55:31 by LightningPrince

[b]1. What’s your name?[/b]Fishes[b]2. Got it, how are you doing?[/b]blub blub[b]3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?[/b]im just a fish (gal)[b]4. I see, so what brings you here?[/b]...boredom[b]5. Where are you most active in the forums?[/b]FRD BAYBEEEE[b]6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?[/b]I'm blue if I were green I would die (jk green is #2)[b]7. Favorite shoe brand?[/b]I do not know the breeds of shoe and at this point I'm too afraid to ask[b]8. Red or blue?[/b]Blu[b]9. What is your actual favorite color?[/b]Aqua probably. green + blue, I can't go wrong.[b]10. Strawberry or chocolate?[/b]The big brain answer: dip your strawberry INTO the chocolate.[b]11. Mario or Luigi?[/b]Do I have to pick? They're both awesome... [size=1]my favorite's Luigi[/size][b]12. Do you plan on taking over the world?[/b]Not anytime soon.[b]13. Do you own any pets?[/b]Two lovely cats![b]14. Are you apart of any fandoms?[/b]So many...[b]15. Can you whistle?[/b]No :-([b]16. How many pillows do you own?[/b]2[b]17. Should you be asleep right now?[/b]What, are you a cop? (Yes)[b]18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?[/b]I ain't ever seen Grape ice cream. I don't think I would like that.[b]19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?[/b]In a drink, gotta be cubed. I like a good hawaiian shaved ice though.[b]20. Which continent are you from?[/b]South Canada[b]21. Do you wear glasses?[/b]Yes[b]22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?[/b]Cottonelle[b]23. Worst video game you ever played?[/b]Rio for the Nintendo DS.[b]24. Have you ever won a contest before?[/b]Not that I remember.[b]25. Tea or coffee?[/b]TEA[b]26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?[/b]Probably one of those adorable kitty familiars.[b]27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?[/b]No; I'm too anxious...[b]28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?[/b]Yes; but make it quick.[b]29. Favorite emoji?[/b][emoji=obelisk love size=2][b]30. Your favorite movie genre?[/b]n/a[b]31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?[/b]Jack Black? I think he'd be cool to hang with.[b]32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?[/b]According to all laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its tiny little wings are too small to get its fat body off of the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care about what humans think.[b]33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?[/b]n/a[b]34. Are you an early bird or night owl?[/b][emoji=owl size=1][b]35. What is some of your pet peeves?[/b]the tags of clothing. if you can feel it on your skin.[b]36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?[/b]It's probably too hot in the open. At least get under a tree or something![b]37. What is the last song you were listening to?[/b]Ponyo, ponyo, ponyo, fishy in the sea [emoji=music notes size=1][b]38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?[/b]... elevator.[b]39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?[/b]Yes but I don't like them very much...[b]40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?[/b]Nope![b]41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?[/b]No I shop at Publix[b]42. What is the meaning of life?[/b]Ahaha, is this #42 for a reason? Cause I was about to say that.[b]43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?[/b]Years.[b]44. Do you collect anything?[/b]I would collect plush toys if my wallet allowed it.[b]45. How’s the weather over there?[/b]Hot. wet.[b]46. Are you eating anything right now?[/b]Nope[b]47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?[/b]Oreos[b]48. Favorite cereal?[/b]I don't like cereal.[b]49. Are you wearing a hat right now?[/b]Nope[b]50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?[/b]Yes[b]51. What about getting some water?[/b]Double yes[b]52. Have you seen Bird Box?[/b]No, but if this movie is NOT about birds I will be disapointed[b]53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?[/b]water![b]54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?[/b]Wooden, but I have a nice rug[b]55. Do you have any organizational advice?[/b]BOXES. Have a nice box or shelf for everything.[b]56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?[/b]Depends on the occasion. Am I eating guac with that? Then tortilla's the way to go. Am I on the go? Potato chips are easier to travel with.[b]57. Crayons or markers?[/b]Are we talkin those good kinda art markers? Cause I prefer those. But if it's 5th grade class material I'm taking the crayons.[b]58. Smartphones or tablets?[/b]all my friends are on my phone :-)[b]59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?[/b]I like Palutena, Yoshi, and Kirby[b]60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?[/b]It's good! Sonic 2 is better than the first sonic movie. I wanna see the 3rd one.[b]61. What is one useless fact you can list here?[/b]The Norse goddess of love Freya had a chariot pulled by giant cats. Vikings would give kittens to newlywed couples for this reason.[b]62. What is your eye color?[/b]Brown[b]63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?[/b]Nope[b]64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?[/b]I had a dream I had a cog frog. The worst thing I saw was it disappearing upon waking up.[b]65. What’s your favorite season of the year?[/b]Spring[b]66. Do you enjoy reading?[/b]Yes![b]67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?[/b]A nice pack of Pokemon cards![b]68. Have you ever traveled by plane?[/b]Yes[b]69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?[/b]I'll take the 1 rat. I can make friends with it.[b]70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?[/b]Better to take the hallway; I have no idea what's coming through the door.[b]71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[/b][url=][img][/img][/url][b]72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?[/b]Yes[b]73. Would you recommend it to others?[/b]Not unless you have too much time on your hands[b]74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?[/b]No :-([b]75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?[/b]Silly questionaire! My cat is already my best friend![b]76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?[/b]Let me go back. I hate it here.[b]77. Savory or sweet foods?[/b]saaaaaaavory[b]78. Can you do a backflip?[/b]No[b]79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?[/b]No[b]80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?[/b]No[b]81. Can you handle spicy foods?[/b]Yes, I love it![b]82. What is/was your favorite school subject?[/b]Art and Literature![b]83. Do you have allergies?[/b]Dairy :-([b]84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?[/b]Not gonna pit two kings against each other.[b]85. Have you seen Sharktale before?[/b]Yes. Against my will.[b]86. Pixar or Dreamworks?[/b]Pixar![b]87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?[/b]Castle Swimmer, Duncan and Eddie, The Little Trashmaid, Eleceed, ShootAround, PMD: On Borrowed Time, Lil' Char and the Gang, Sally and Bean, and my favorite: Swords Comic![b]88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?[/b]Leo[b]89. Pizza or burgers?[/b]Pizza[b]90. Favorite Pokemon?[/b]Hydreigon![b]91. Best eeveelution?[/b]Vaporeon.[b]92. How would you describe your fashion sense?[/b]As long as it's comfy![b]93. Favorite number?[/b]5. It's such a good number. Multiplying by 5 is so comfy.[b]94. What animal would you be?[/b][emoji=cat 2 size=1][b]95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?[/b]MERMAID[b]96. How many languages can you speak?[/b]English, so 1?[b]97. Pancakes or waffles?[/b]Pancakes. Might be unpopular.[b]98. How did you find FR?[/b]A friend reccomended it![b]99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?[/b]...not really?[b]100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?[/b]One day, you may find yourselfand you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?"You may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?"


Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (74)





July 07, 2024 20:01:02

1. What’s your name?

2. Got it, how are you doing?
blub blub

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
im just a fish (gal)

4. I see, so what brings you here?

5. Where are you most active in the forums?

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
I'm blue if I were green I would die (jk green is #2)

7. Favorite shoe brand?
I do not know the breeds of shoe and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
Aqua probably. green + blue, I can't go wrong.

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
The big brain answer: dip your strawberry INTO the chocolate.

11. Mario or Luigi?
Do I have to pick? They're both awesome... my favorite's Luigi

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
Not anytime soon.

13. Do you own any pets?
Two lovely cats!

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
So many...

15. Can you whistle?
No :-(

16. How many pillows do you own?

17. Should you be asleep right now?
What, are you a cop? (Yes)

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
I ain't ever seen Grape ice cream. I don't think I would like that.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
In a drink, gotta be cubed. I like a good hawaiian shaved ice though.

20. Which continent are you from?
South Canada

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Rio for the Nintendo DS.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
Not that I remember.

25. Tea or coffee?

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Probably one of those adorable kitty familiars.

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
No; I'm too anxious...

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Yes; but make it quick.

29. Favorite emoji?
Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (75)

30. Your favorite movie genre?

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Jack Black? I think he'd be cool to hang with.

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
According to all laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its tiny little wings are too small to get its fat body off of the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care about what humans think.

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (76)

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
the tags of clothing. if you can feel it on your skin.

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
It's probably too hot in the open. At least get under a tree or something!

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Ponyo, ponyo, ponyo, fishy in the sea Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (77)

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
... elevator.

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yes but I don't like them very much...

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
No I shop at Publix

42. What is the meaning of life?
Ahaha, is this #42 for a reason? Cause I was about to say that.

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?

44. Do you collect anything?
I would collect plush toys if my wallet allowed it.

45. How’s the weather over there?
Hot. wet.

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
I don't like cereal.

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?

51. What about getting some water?
Double yes

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
No, but if this movie is NOT about birds I will be disapointed

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
Wooden, but I have a nice rug

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
BOXES. Have a nice box or shelf for everything.

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Depends on the occasion. Am I eating guac with that? Then tortilla's the way to go. Am I on the go? Potato chips are easier to travel with.

57. Crayons or markers?
Are we talkin those good kinda art markers? Cause I prefer those. But if it's 5th grade class material I'm taking the crayons.

58. Smartphones or tablets?
all my friends are on my phone :-)

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
I like Palutena, Yoshi, and Kirby

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
It's good! Sonic 2 is better than the first sonic movie. I wanna see the 3rd one.

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
The Norse goddess of love Freya had a chariot pulled by giant cats. Vikings would give kittens to newlywed couples for this reason.

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
I had a dream I had a cog frog. The worst thing I saw was it disappearing upon waking up.

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
A nice pack of Pokemon cards!

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
I'll take the 1 rat. I can make friends with it.

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Better to take the hallway; I have no idea what's coming through the door.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?
Not unless you have too much time on your hands

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
No :-(

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
Silly questionaire! My cat is already my best friend!

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Let me go back. I hate it here.

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Yes, I love it!

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
Art and Literature!

83. Do you have allergies?
Dairy :-(

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Not gonna pit two kings against each other.

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
Yes. Against my will.

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
Castle Swimmer, Duncan and Eddie, The Little Trashmaid, Eleceed, ShootAround, PMD: On Borrowed Time, Lil' Char and the Gang, Sally and Bean, and my favorite: Swords Comic!

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
As long as it's comfy!

93. Favorite number?
5. It's such a good number. Multiplying by 5 is so comfy.

94. What animal would you be?
Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (79)

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
English, so 1?

97. Pancakes or waffles?
Pancakes. Might be unpopular.

98. How did you find FR?
A friend reccomended it!

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
...not really?

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
One day, you may find yourself
and you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?"
You may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?"

Fishes_Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (80)_she/her | +3 FR time
wishlist | avatar

Questionnaire Galore | General Discussion | Flight Rising (81)

Last edited on Jul 07, 2024 20:04:58 by Fishes

Questionnaire Galore |
        General Discussion |
   Flight Rising (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.