How A Duck Sees a Library - Chapter 16 - The1TrueDuck (2024)

Chapter Text

"So do you know what's going on or are you lost like me?"
"I don't really know, all I do know is that we need to be up by Keter in 5 minutes. I'd rather be there than have to deal with any consequences."
Two people can be seen walking up stairs talking, a man with blond hair and the other, darker-skinned black haired man.
"So she just told to grab everyone?" Rob said to Lee, who confirmed with a quick nod.
"Yeah, she's been teasing this for like a few weeks now and I'm getting really tired of it. So thankfully, we'll get up and grab Spoon and Duck so we can get this 'Plan' done and dealt with." Lee said while messing with the collar of his jacket.
"If all she has been doing was hyping something that's not even that good, that's a douche move." Rob spoke with pessimism.
After a bit more time of walking up the long flight of stairs, they reach the floor of technological sciences. Yesod is looking at a book near a desk.

"Hey Yesod, we're here to pick up Spoon." The blonde man said to the other colored-haired worker.
"She's not here right now, I believe Amber is at Keter with Miss Angela as she needed her for something. What did you need from her?" Yesod replied.
Both corroders looked at each other with an unamused look, Rob took to speak. "Well, Angela needed us to go to the top floor so she could start a plan of some sorts, but if she's not here then... I guess we don't have grab her."
Yesod seemed alright with the situation. "Then let us not waste both our times, you can go towards Keter." Both workers agreed and waved off before going back to the long staircase.
"One last thing before you go Lee." Yesod piped up. "You should fix your collar, it's a little crooked."
He looks and straitens it thanks to the words of the patron. "Oh thanks, didn't really notice that."
Yesod waves towards the former E.G.O users and gets back towards a book involving one of the guests they have taken care of.

"Do you think we should convince Angela to make an elevator or is that too much?" Rob said miffed at the length of stairs.
"As a joke, yes. Should we? No." Lee quickly responded. "If some stairs is too much for people like you, then you should just stop trying." He said with a tone.
"I'm Just saying! It'd be easier no?"
"Of course it would be! But there's a time for it and now is not that time."
"Like drinking with your boss when it's your time off?"
"Okay, first we barely have time off. Second, I do what I want to do. Right now I want to get this sh*t done and done with."

The few more seconds of time is more tense until the both of them look up to see the entranceway to the floor of natural sciences.
In the framing of it, a dark brown-haired man with a modified index member cloak can be seen leaning on it.
He looks up, to see both his friends. "Oh hey guys, Tiph told me you guys would be up here so I waited up here. What's going on?" Duck says, greeting them both.
"We're going to Keter, Angela has something for us or something." Lee says with some haste from talking so much.
Duck stretches and gives a nice thumbs up before joining Lee and Rob. "Alright then, let's get going."



Within the walls of the Keter floor, near the lobby where Angela's workspace is. Multiple people are gathered, consisting of Gabriella, Amber, Roland, Yujin, and of course Angela herself. There seems to also be a large set of something covered in a large cloth.
Yujin seems to be talking with the other corroders while Angela is with Roland.
"So with Aleph abnormalities, they're a big deal with either an absurd gimmick, or an absurd amount of strength." Pine explains to Yujin who seems to be listen with very open ears.
"If you had to choose a tier of fixer to stop one of those, what would you need?" The former Director proposes.
"Hm... if ya think about it. It depends, lower power Alephs you'd need a grade one or two, but for the stronger ones... Definitely a Color if you want no casualties." The curly haired man responded to the surprised fixer.
"Don't worry about it, most Abnormalities aren't THAT violent. If push came to shove you could easily run from one." Spoon reassures her.

"Hey, we're here." Lee announced with both Duck and Rob by his side.
"Great timing, I was about to start getting ready but now everyone is here I can explain what I plan to do to you six." Angela says as all of the corroders stand side-by-side, with Yujin and Roland taking a few steps out of the way as they have no part in this. "See, as you know your E.G.O gear and therefore most of your power within the Lobotomy Corp. Facility was taken by the light and abnormalities. I didn't mind this at first, but seeing the increasing difficulty of receptions, I have decided to take a gamble with what I've been able to scrounge up from books and memories."
As she finishes her sentence, the pale librarian takes hold of the cloth as she pulls the cloth up and over to reveal...


Their old E.G.O gear.

Mimicry, Solemn Lament, SMILE, Gold Rush, Twilight, and...

Even Paradise Lost.

Almost immediately, all of the assistants eyes widen in shock of this. It's all the same as when the had it back in the main branch.

'...It's....back.' Rob and Amber think to themselves.

Lee and Gabriella both stayed silent at the thought of their E.G.O, despite it being there... what are the chances they corrode again?

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Both Pine and Bubba shouts in unison, bringing their thought out loud.
"I actually can't believe it! It's all here, the gift, gauntlet, I-I'm actually at a loss for words!" Duck said aloud as he inspects his long lost set.
Lee and Spoon took a long sigh and walked up to see with a closer inspection.
"I thought something was wrong with the suits when you were all silent, but thankfully I can start pretending to be happy." Angela says out loud.
Suddenly, with the information in both of the spectator's heads processed. Roland and Yujin finally get the chance to say something about these suits, Roland being the first. "Wait-wait, so THIS is what you've been preparing all along was some suits? What's so special about them if they're enough to make people like them top-tier?"

Lee takes that question at face value and speaks up and faces the fixer. "These suits were able to not only give us something to attack with, it GIVES us power. Without these suits, none of you would be standing here."
Rob put his hand on the blonde-haired man, giving him a sign to calm down a bit. Lee gives a sigh before continuing. "With the E.G.O suits, it can allow us to deal and take specific types of damage. For most people, that would be it. With us however, we worked with those abnormalities so much that they started to affect how we think. Therefore, the E.G.O became more 'affluent' if you will, with the user."
"So, because you used those weapons and armor more and more... you got stronger?" Yujin tries to clarify before getting corrected by another person, that being Gabriella.
"It's a little more than that, we had to WORK with those things, and the more you get used to them, the more you start treating everything like it."
"That's what made you distort into the E.G.O no? You gave up more and more of your mind to them which led to you merging with the gear right?"
Duck takes that sentence and decides to throw in his two ahn. "I can say for sure, but there was a hefty amount of stress there. We were stuck for two and a half days in there fighting an endless swarm of abnormalities, we got so stressed-out that it led to us snapping and giving up a portion of ourselves to keep us going."
The black-haired man then shows the padded and golden-lined suit, fitted with a red tie to them. "This suit in particular, kept getting added with more and more golden chunks to help me, or so I thought. There wasn't many mirrors in the facility, but I can assure from the other people that were still suffering in there." He turns to look at the others still looking at their suits and them. "They know, but my point is. These do help out a lot, they are familiar weapons that will help us boost the library, and I can assure that to the both of you." Duck finishes.

As everyone is now silent, taking their suits and gifts to inspect and soon wear them. Yujin takes a moment with Pine again to see what his suits is all about.
"So if I recall from Duck... Yours is called 'Twilight' right?"
Pine perks up from his gift and looks up. "Yeah! It's all here, what do you wanna know about it?"
She thinks for a moment, before giving it to the curly-haired man. "What's the gimmick behind it?"
Seemingly not pleased with that, Pine still gives the answer. "Oh well you see, its... a little complicated? It can deal with any kind of abnormality with no issue at close range. As if the target is being... weakened by something."
The former Director tilts her head in confusion, with Pine elaborating his answer. "So imagine this alright? You're a big jerk who want to kill me, and you're really good and tanking physical damage. Twilight after a bit will do another type of damage to hurt YOU instead of the one you are good with. Ya get that?"
Yujin nods in understanding. "So it's like a toolbox that automatically pick the right tool for the job?"
"Yeah no that's pretty much it, when I started to... Corrode as I've been hearing it. Don't really like that name thought, it gives a horrid ring to that experience. Anyway, I started to have a mentality to the three birds that I watched and took care of. Leading people away from bad places, punishing those who lost their minds and... killing the abnormalities that tried to kill us."
"What happened next?"
"...I... Can't really tell you, I can't remember much after... was it after Spoon died? I don't give a sh*t. But I think I stood on a spot still the birds showed me portal... then I walked through it and then I knew it. I woke up on a stack of books."
The Shi Fixer is a little confused, but gets the big picture. It's pretty much what happened to Duck and Amber when she asked them. She knows enough to back off away near where she once was.
"Alright then, I guess that says enough. We'll meet again soon." Yujin says as she walks off down towards the entrance to the stairwell, with Pine saying his goodbye.

The black-suited man stances still, overlooking the scenario. He still thinks to himself about these suits, they were the preferred tools for these guys but how much of a difference would that make? He walks over to Gabriella to have a little one-on-one chat for some clarification.
As Roland walks over, he notices that she's still quiet about the whole thing. Staring at her armor once more, what's the... ah right, the thing she worked with to get it in the first place.
"Still hung up about it?" Roland says snapping Gabriella's attention to him.
"E-erm... Yeah I guess you could say that."
He does feel some worry for her, so what's the harm in helping her out? "What's the issue here? Was it the memories with it, or what it might bring if you wear it?" The Fixer asks.
"It's... complicated, for you probably not that much." The E.G.O gear wearer sighs heavily. "When I... started to corrode, I felt like a monster. I didn't feel anything or try anything, I didn't like that at all!" She suddenly goes near Roland and starts to whisper in secret. "Roland. I will say something only Angela and Lee know about. Me and them were the only beings there to witness the end to E.G.O corrosion. You've heard before that Lee was the last one to live right?" The suited man starts getting slightly unnerved. "That's only half true, me and him were the lasts one alive. Neither of us being killed of by any of the abnormalities and because of that lead to an echo chamber of stress and self-hate. We both turned into our worst nightmare because of These. f*cking. Suits.


Suddenly as if snapping back to the present, Gabriella turns away and starts to lean next to a tall bookshelf. "You didn't need- I'm so sorry I..." She sits down and what seems to be to Roland is tears forming in her eyes with the unworn suit of Paradise Lost still in her lap. He takes the step forwards to help her, that's what he said he would do, no?
"Hey, you don't need to apologize, you told me what you didn't like and I appreciate that! If you don't want to wear it that's fine with me... You'd probably want to tell our boss that though before she thinks you're ungrateful." He says trying to lighten the pretty damp mood. "But I think for both me and you, It'd be nice if you at least tried it out before making your decision final. I kind of want to see what all this stuff you guys have been talking about these months, if you're ready of course."
The blue-haired girl rubs her eyes for a bit getting the tears off, she sits back up and puts the suit over her shoulder. "Alright, I'll see what I can do with... this. I'll do it for the library and... also you, Roland."
They share a mutual glad expression before turning their attention to Spoon who managed to find them.

"Wondering where you two went. Some people are heading back incase there was something you might wanna clear up."
Gabriella speaks up for her voice to reach the technological girl. "Yeah we'll be up again soon!" As Spoon gives the both of them a thumbs up before leaving again.
"Thanks a bunch Roland. That gave a good load off my chest."
"Hey look, I'm here anytime. Especially because you're my assistant and I need you to be prepared for the stuff Angela sends us over."
They both chuckle and walk together out back into view, some people are already wearing the new suits and giving test swings with their respective weapons.

As they see, Duck walks over to Angela to ask a question.
"Hey uh, Director?" She acknowledges the now-suited boy. "Once were done with the break and getting used to our new suits. What's the next ordeal we'll fight?"
"Great question, the invitation has narrowed down on two paths with another two in focus. One of these seems to be an office that had ties to the WARP trains, and what seems to be another finger called The Thumb.
Duck takes the question and leaves after giving thanks to his boss, waving her goodbye. She does notice that the black-gilded cape on him is still on him, despite the suit not having that.
"Bubba one last thing before you go?" She stops him as turns back around. "What's with the cape on the suit? Don't recall Gold Rush having a cloak anywhere."
Duck looks around before realizing what she means. "Oh! Yeah the clothing I had previously had a cape, and I didn't want Hod's work to go to waste, so I added the cape to the suit. Is that a bad thing or?" He says with gradual nervousness waiting for his superior to answer.

"Not that I can think of... I guess It was just simple curiosity. You may leave." Angela concludes.
The golden boy breaths a sigh of relief and waves goodbye once more and departs to his floor. Angela then speaks up to everyone that has yet to leave. "Alright, I think we've done enough chatting. If you haven't put on the suits yet, you can do so later in private. This concludes my 'Plan' and I shall see you once you are needed for a reception. Any questions?"
"When I do I get a cool looking suit?" Roland jokingly asks.
"When you fail me and I have to bury you in a coffin." Angela retorts, with Roland putting his hands up in defeat. "Any, REAL questions?"
No one responded, and then as such Angela bids them a farewell with Roland and Gabriella at her side.

"Alright then, you two have something I want to discuss about an oncoming ordeal we have to deal with. Not at this second, but I would still like to keep you informed."
"What that might be boss?" The black-suited man said.
"I didn't mention this yet as it might cause a bit of a stir, but in one of the paths the invitation is taking us. We will run in with The Blue Reverberation."
Roland's demeanor shifted into a more serious look about his enemy. "What's the deal with him, and when?"
"I think I shall send your floor to deal with him, once after we're done with the other three places the invitation has set out for us. But I say this just to inform you about your task at hand."
Roland sighs and with a hard tone.

"Thanks, I'll be open for that."

How A Duck Sees a Library - Chapter 16 - The1TrueDuck (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.