FAQ – Scythe – Stonemaier Games (2024)

Replacement Parts:

Request replacement parts here.

Buying Scythe-Related Stuff

Click here to learn about how to buy Scythe games, accessories, and promos or here to learn about digital versions, art prints, and other merchandise.

Printable FAQ: Andy Limkeman has put together a fantastic printable FAQ.

Errata and Recommended Variants


Forcing Workers to Retreat: The first two sentences on the right column of page 11 (Moving into Opponent-Controlled Territories/Controlled by Workers) should read, “If your character or mech move into a territory controlled by an opponent’s workers (and no other units), its movement ends (even if you have a mech ability that would allow it to move further). Each of the opponent’s workers on that territory immediately retreats to their faction’s home base, leaving behind any resource tokens.”

This reflects the original intention of the rule, which allows a player to move a character/mech into a territory containing opponent worker(s), force those worker(s) to retreat, and then move adifferentunit through that territory.

Completing Objective Cards: There was some ambiguity in the original rules about exactly when on your turn you could complete an objective. Usually the timing doesn’t matter, but for a few cards it does. So we clarified the timing as follows: “You may reveal a completed objective card during your ownturn before or after you complete a top- or bottom-row action.” Basically, you can’t complete an objective in the middle of an action.

Rusviet (Relentless)

The Rusviet player cannot use their faction ability to place their player token on their Factory card on sequential turns. This is a change noted in the Complete Rulebook, and it will be noted in future reprints of Scythe.

Banned Combinations

Due to the speed at which an experienced player can finish a game of Scythe with the following faction mat/player mat combinations, they are banned (except when used by brand-new Scythe players during their first game).If you draw into either of these combinations during setup, return your player mat to the pool and gain another.

  • Rusviet – Industrial
  • Crimea – Patriotic

Scythe Core Game FAQ

I have 8 worker meeples. 6 start on my player mat. Where do the other 2 go?

Place those meeples on the 2 territories adjacent to your home base.

Can I take an action more than once per turn?

Nope. On your turn, you choose one section of your player mat, and you can either take the top action, the bottom action, both, or neither. You cannot take the same action more than once.

When I use the Move action, can I move the same unit twice?

No. You may only move 2differentunits (or more, if you’ve upgraded the Move action).

Can I move a unit 0 spaces?

No. If you select a unit to move, and you don’t actually move it at least 1 space, it has not moved.

When I use the Produce action, how much does it cost to produce workers?

You produce workers in the same way that you produce resources, with Village as the terrain type that produces villagers. You first pay the cost to use the Produce action (the revealed cost in red at the top of the action). Then you gain the benefit (produce on 2 different territories–ALL workers on those 2 territories may produce).

For example, let’s say that you have 3 total workers on the board, which means that there is no exposed Produce cost in red. 2 of those workers are on a Mountain and the other worker is on a village. When you Produce, you pay nothing. Then you gain the benefit: Each of the workers on the mountain produces 1 metal, and the worker on the village produces 1 worker. The action is complete. The worker you produced revealed a cost, so the next time you take the Produce action, you must first pay that cost.

If I’ve already deployed all 4 mechs, can I ever use the Deploy action again?

Yes. All printed benefits on your player mat are optional, so you can pay to use a bottom-row action even if it is only to gain the associated coins and/or recruit ongoing benefit.

How does the Mill work?

It’s similar to the upgradeon the Produce action, with a bonus.If you upgrade the Produce action, you get to produce on 3 different territories, right? The Mill does the exact same thing–it’s a third territory for production (or a fourth if you’ve already upgraded the Produce action). In addition to that, if you choose the Mill’s territory as 1 of the 3 territories where you produce, the Mill itself produces as if it is a worker.

If you choose to produce on the Mill’s territory (say, a mountain) and you have 1 worker there, the Mill produces 1 metal and the worker produces 1 metal. You could even choose the Mill’s territory if there are no workers there, and the Mill would still produce 1 metal (in that example) as if it were a worker. Here’s where Rodney talks about it in his Watch It Played video.

Example:You have 1 worker each on a mountain, farm, and tundra. You also have a Mill on the village. When you select the Produce action, you may choose 2 territories from the mountain, farm, and tundra to produce on. The Mill is on the village, so the village will also produce if you want it to. The Mill itself will act as a worker for production, so it produces 1 worker. If you would have had another worker on the village you may also produce 1 worker (though having a worker on the Mill’s territory is not necessary for the Mill itself to produce).

A BGG user created a short guide that explains the Mill here.

Can I move a mech/character with Seaworthy or Submerge onto or off of a lake if they don’t have Riverwalk?

Yes. There isn’t a river between your mech/character and the lake. Think of it like this: If you walk along the shore of a lake, is there a river between you and the lake? Nope. It’s just land, then water. Same thing in Scythe–rivers arebetweentwo land territories, while a lake isadjacentto land territories.

In 1-5 player games, does Crimea’s Wayfare ability allow it leave resources on home bases (theirs and inactive factions)?

When using Wayfare, it’s possible for your character/mech to transport and drop off resources onto a home base. While those resources are on the home base, you cannot spend them and you will not count them during end-game scoring.

When certain mech abilities have been unlocked, can Rusviet’s mechs and character move from their home base across the river onto the farm to the north? Can Polania do the same with the lake adjacent to their home base?

Rusviet can use Riverwalk to cross from their home base to the farm to the north, and Polania can use Submerge to move from their home base to the lake to the north.

Are enlist bonuses triggered by taking bottom-row actions on Factory cards or encounter cards?

No, only bottom-row actions on player mats can trigger enlist bonuses.

Invaders from Afar FAQ


If my mech/character ability lets me gain 2 power at the beginning of combat, and if that power boost would give me a star (16 total power), does the game end immediately or does that combat happen?

Each individual combat happens in a self-contained bubble–once a combat begins, it continues through completion. This is a rare case where it’s possible for two players to have 6 stars (it is not possible to get a 7th star, as there is no 7th star token).

Can I place a Trap or Flag on the Factory?

Yes (consistent with other rules about Trap and Flag placement, of course). If Albion has a Flag on the Factory at the end of the game (and they control that territory), the Factory is worth a total of 4 territories for end-game scoring.

How exactly does the timing of placing a Flag work with the Rally ability (or Traps with Shinobi)?

If your character lands on a territory that results in no combat and no encounter, they may immediately place a trap/flag token. If you have movement available (and shinobi/rally unlocked), you may then move a mech to that territory.

If your character is on a combat/encounter territory, you must wait until all units’ movements end. Then you perform the combat and/or encounter, and afterwards–if you still control the territory–you may place a trap/flag.

Why don’t the expansion factions have power dials?

It’s a matterof coherency and consistency. The Scythe expansion is a retail product that is compatible with any version of Scythe, but as a retail product, it needs to be cohesive and consistent with the retail core game.If a retail customer opens an expansion box to discover 2 new power dials, they might wonder if they should have gotten 5 in the original game. While I highly, highly value our backers, in the long run, the majority of people who own Scythe will have the retail version, so consistency with that version is the long tail.

When considering things like this, we also look necessity and impact on price.Only 2 dials are ever needed in any game of Scythe. It’s not like combats are happening so quickly that you don’t have time to pass the dial to your neighbor. It’s nothing more than a nice bonus to have extra dials, hence how it’s ripe for a promo product. Also, more dials equals higher cost, and higher cost equals higher price.Adding the dials would increase the price of the expansion from $30 to $35, and we don’t think it’s fair to charge all people for something only somepeople want.

The dials are available as promos.

Is the expansion compatible with my special Kickstarter edition of Scythe?

Of course! Everything you have in your special KS edition already covers what you need to play the expansion (coins, resources, power dials, etc.). We’re making expansion-themed coins and power dials for sale in early 2017, but they’re ancillary, not necessary.

Help! Why are my Albion mechs broken?

Here’s the detailed story.

Isthe expansion available in other languages?

Yes!Almost all of our international partners for Scythe also have the expansion.

The Wind Gambit FAQ



  • Toll: It’s possible for 2 players to park their airships right outside of an opponent’s home base, preventing that opponent’s units from leaving. This isn’t in the spirit of the game, so as an errata, we’re saying that airships with Toll cannot be placed on either of an opponent’s starting territories (basically, you can’t block them in).

With Toll, if there are 2 airships on a territory and a third player wants to enter the territory with their ground unit, what happens?

The ground unit must be able to pay the toll to both of the airships to enter the territory. The ground unit chooses which player to pay first. That player (the airship’s controller) chooses a resource from the ground unit, then the other player chooses.

Can I move an airship 0 spaces to pick up or drop off workers/resources?

No. If you select a unit to move, and you don’t actually move it at least 1 space, it has not moved, so you may not pick up or drop off workers/resources.

Why are all the airship miniatures the same sculpt?

Each of the 7 factions has 1 airship miniature in their faction color, but the sculpts are identical. There are three reasons for this: One, thematically, all airships have the same abilities (the abilities are randomized at the beginning of each game). We tested it both ways, and it worked best this way.

Two, the cost to make a high-quality mould for a miniature this size is about$10,000. Expansions like this are a low-margin product, so adding an additional $60,000 for six more moulds is a significant expense.

Three–and this is really important–when we get the original sculpt from a 3D modeler, it’s not like we instantly start making miniatures. Rather, it’s the beginning of an extensive process to maximize the durability and aesthetics, as well as exactly how different parts of the mini will fit into the mould (big miniatures like this are often comprised of multiple pieces).

For the Wind Gambit, this process took 2 months for a single miniature. At the end of that process, I actually sent the updated digital model to the original sculptor so he could do some final touch-ups to the updated design. This was particularly important because Panda was in charge of ensuring that workers and resource tokens could fit onto the miniature.

Don’t the airships make the Nordic faction ability worthless?

The Nordic ability is quite different from the airship ability. With Nordic’s ability, your workers can cross rivers at any time, allowing them to go in completely different directions,establish area control, and build/deploy/produce. With airships, you can only pick up or drop off workers during the airship’s movement, and the airship can’t divide and conquer the way multiple workers can, nor can workers on airships do anything (they don’t control territories, build, deploy, produce, etc). Also, only half of the airships can carry workers.

Am I missing Automa card #7?

Nope! There is no Automa card #7.

Is the French version okay?

There are some typos in the first printing of the French version of The Wind Gambit, but it is still playable. For more information, please scroll down this page to read the message from Matagot.

The Rise of Fenris FAQ

  • Unboxing: Even though you shouldn’t look in the various tuckboxes before the game tells you to, if you do, you might find that there are only 3 mechs in the Fenris box (Box D). Before you fill out the replacement parts form, please look inside Box C to find the 4th mech.
  • Alliances (Episode 2): If you’re playing with 6-7 players (Invaders from Afar), Polania has an upgraded faction ability. However, their Alliance token retains their original faction ability for the player they ally with. The fewest coins you can end the game with–even after breaking an Alliance that may drop you below $0–is $0.
  • Township (Episode 3): In this episode, the rulebook notes that the Rusviet faction is required to replace the normal “Township” mech ability with an alternate ability. However, if mech mods have been unlocked, the Rusviet player could replace Township with a mech mod instead.
  • Vesna (End of Episode 3): The new Vesna player actually should not use their previous home base, as that faction may be claimed by another player. Rather, after faction selection, the Vesna player chooses a home base from among the unselected factions (placing their home base tile there on subsequent games). Vesna’s airship does not include a plastic stand, as you need The Wind Gambit to play with the airship, and more than enough plastic stands are included in The Wind Gambit.
  • Automa (choosing a home base): If at any time the Automa needs to choose a home base, mix the icon tokens for all unselected home bases and draw one for the Automa.
  • Fenris Agents (Episode 4 – French version): There is a small mistranslation in the French version. Please put 2 Fenris agents on the Factory at the beginning of the game, not 1.
  • Fenris Agents (Episode 4 Automa): For the move worker action, territories with Fenris agents cannot be valid. For ALL other Automa movement actions, Fenris agents are ignored when identifying valid territories.
  • Infrastructure Mods: For the Spy mod, remove the words “or Faction”–that’s a remnant from an older version. The Spy mod only impacts mech abilities (which grant special abilities to mechs and characters). Infrastructure mods such as Spy, Propaganda, and Cavalry may only be used in combat/movement that the mod owner is participating in. All other infrastructure mods may only be used during your turn.
  • First unlock (Episode 5): Play game 5 until a player has the opportunity to move a unit to the Factory for the first time, then read the next line here.
    • Continue movement of all units as usual, but any units that reach the Factory while Box C is still in play must stop.
    • When dealing with the thing you unlock, draw 4 cards, not 3 (the original rulebook says 3).
  • Automa (Episode 5):The following note should be visible from the beginning of Episode 5: “During setup, place the Automa’s popularity token on space 2 of the popularity track. When the Star Tracker token reaches row 4 on the Star Tracker card, move the Automa´s popularity token to space 10.”
  • End of Episode 5: You’ve now unlocked 2 airships (1 for Vesna, 1 for Fenris), but no airship stands. This is on purpose–no stands are included in The Rise of Fenris. You can only use the airships when playing with The Wind Gambit expansion, and you can only use a total of 7 airships at a time (in a 7-player game), so you already have enough stands (7) in The Wind Gambit to cover that necessity.
  • Polish version (End of Episode 5): While the Vesna player may not change factions at this point, they may change later when the game tells them.
  • Fenris (End of Episode 5):The fewest coins you can end the game with–even after gaining Influence tokens that may reduce your coin total below $0–is $0. Also, when using the faction ability, you can only place the faraway influence token if your character also placed an influence token on its territory this turn.
  • Death Ray (End of Episode 5): For each combat, you can decide to use or not use the Death Ray ability.
  • Episode 8B: If you enter 2 combats on your turn, and if one of them is against Mad Tesla on the Factory, you must execute that combat first.
  • Episode 8B (Combat Cards): If Mad Tesla needs to draw combat cards and both the card deck and discard pile are empty, all players should discard a combat card at random to create a new combat card deck.
  • Episode 8B (Automa): The Automa gains popularity in the exact same way that you do when (and only when) fighting Mad Tesla.
  • End of Episode 8: If you don’t want to write in your book, you can download and print the campaign scoring guide here.

Automa FAQ


What are some things I should keep in mind during my first play of Scythe (single player)?

Here are two detailed threads on BoardGameGeek to check out:

Do I need multiple sets of the expansion Automa cards if I also have multiple sets of the original Automa deck?

Basically, if you purchased Scythe after the Kickstarter campaign, you have the correct versions of cards 5, 8, 18, and 19. You don’t need any other versions of those cards, and if you got them in your copy of Invaders from Afar, you can recycle them, as they’re redundant.

The current version of the deck will work with any faction (original or expansion). The original deck wouldn’t work with the two new factions. The 4 replacement cards (the expansion set) are identical to the cards they replace in the original deck, with the following exception: These 4 new cards have faction specific actions for the two new factions. Therefore, you ONLY need to have these cards in your deck, if that deck was published before the expansion and if you are having the Automa play one of the two new factions (the new cards still work fine if you are not playing one of the two new factions).

If you are updating original Automa decks, you need a maximum of two expansion setsand this is only if you are having the Automa play as BOTH of the new factions at the same time. As an example, you could play as Albion against the Automa who is playing, Togawa, Rusviet, and Polonia, with three Automa decks, but only one needs to have been updated with the expansion set (for Togawa).

When the Automa gains its first star from the Star Tracker, when do I reshuffle its deck?

Reshuffle before the Automa’s next turn.

If the character and the mech are at the home base, what is the automa priority order for combat?

Choose the character.

How does an attacking move work when no Automa combat units are on any territory but there’s a mech and the character on the Automa’s base?

In this case, the Automa moves the character.

Tips, Curiosities, and Unofficial Variants

What are some things I should keep in mind during my first play of Scythe (multiplayer)?

  • Complete the steps of each action from top to bottom. This is particularly important on the Produce action. Before you do anything else on that action, pay the cost (if any). Are you done paying the cost? Good. Now proceed to gain the benefit.
  • Overlapping turns. There is a note in the rulebook that says that when the opponent to your right is taking a bottom-row action, you can start to take your turn. That’s because an opponent’s bottom-row action rarely has an immediate impact on you. Once you get into the flow of doing this, you can significantly decrease Scythe’s playing time.
  • Scoring over $100 is very rare, except in low-player-count games with little combat. If you score over $100, there’s a good chance you might be missing an important rule. I would recommend you read Highlighted Rules on page 31 (in fact, I would recommend that to everyone after your first game).

Since the first player is the player with person with the lowest-numbered player mat, it’s possible for the next player (clockwise) to have a much higher-numbered player mat with more starting components than the next player. How is that fair?

The starting resources on the player mats are staggered based on two factors (both of which have a very minor impact on the game): One, player order. Two, the playtest data for each individual mat (which shifted around in terms of numerical order during playtesting). So even if the #5 mat is in the second position in clockwise order, part of the balance of that mat’s starting resources is that the #5 player mat appeared to be ever so slightly weaker than the others during the blind playtest process.

Overall, though, the impact on the game is very, very small. If you find it’s more fun for you to deal out the mats clockwise by number, it will not break the game.

Unofficial Variants

  • Team Variant: Play Scythe in teams of 2 (decide teams at the beginning of the game). Play everything as normal, except each team has 10 stars to place (instead of 6 per player), and they may only place 1 star on each section of the Triumph Track (theSaxony player does not have this limitation for objectives and combat). At the end of the game, count up each player’s coins, add them to their partner’s coins, and compare each team’s total to determine the winner.
  • End-Game Variant: When a player places their 6th star, their turn immediately ends, and each other player maytake one final turn. However, those players may not take Move actions.


Here is some of the official music from Scythe Digital, playable via Soundcloud during any game of Scythe.

Fan Expansions

Why is there a place on the board for objective cards?

There’s a place on the board for the objective cards in case a future expansion has players draw cards from the objective deck or interact with it in different ways. There is no such interaction in the base game. [Update: There is such an interaction in The Wind Gambit expansion!]

Why does a little bit of the back-of-board art show up on the edges of the front of the board?

When you print a doublesided board, you’re actually printing two pieces of paper and applying one to side A and one toFAQ – Scythe – Stonemaier Games (1) side B. You have to apply one piece of paper first, then the other. The second piece of paper has to wrap around the other side a little bit to stay in place.

Usually you don’t notice this in a game because the boardonly has one side or the two sides are very similar. But in the case of Scythe, the art of the back is at a different scale than the front. We decided to wrap it the way we did so players who use the extended board would have a seamless game board—the seam between the board and the board extension would be disrupted by the extra wrapping.

Can I log my game statssomewhere and see if some factions or player mats are stronger than others?

Sure! Fabrice Essner set up two surveys for this purpose (BGG link). This site is also great for tracking stats:https://scythebg.ga/

Why do the character miniatures in the current retail version look slightly different than the original versions?

After making 40,000 or so miniatures, we had to update the moulds for the original Scythe characters. Whenever we do that, we take the opportunity to improve details and durability. They’re the same miniature sculpts, just with slightly different moulds. A few people have asked if they could purchase the updated models, so we’ve made them available here (the 2 Invaders from Afar characters are included, though they have not changed).

Why is Scythe classified as a 4x game?

My intent isn’t to wedge Scythe into that category or mislabel it, but rather to expand what seems to be a narrow definition. Below are the Wikipedia definitions of each of the Xs:

Explore means players send scouts across a map to reveal surrounding territories.
Expand means players claim new territory by creating new settlements, or sometimes by extending the influence of existing settlements.
Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage.
Exterminate means attacking and eliminating rival players. Since in some games all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival’s presence may be the only way to achieve further expansion.

Here’s why I chose to apply the 4x label to Scythe:

Explore: In Scythe, characters are moving from their homeland onto a patch of land surrounding the mysterious Factory. The landscape itself is known–you can look across the horizon and see there’s a mountain there. What you don’t know is (a) the encounters you’ll have along the way and (b) what you’ll find when you get to the Factory. It’s in those elements of discovery that you are exploring in Scythe.

Expand: In Scythe, players claim new territories with their units and buildings. At the end of the game, territory control is a big part of scoring.

Exploit: In Scythe, players gather and use resources (food, metal, oil, and wood) and improve the efficiency of that usage through upgrades, building, and enlisting.

Exterminate: In Scythe, players can use mechs and characters attack other players and eliminate opposing units from territories. It’s true that you’re not permanently killing units, though in any game it’s tough to kill an inanimate plastic token (maybe melt it?). It’s also true that Scythe is more often about the threat of combat than combat itself.

All of that said, I don’t want people thinking that Scythe is a game about flipping over hexes and constantly killing opponents’ troops. Rather, I hope people see Scythe as a different take on 4x.

Why is a dollar sign used for currency instead of another symbol?

Jakub and I discussed in detail which symbol we should use for currency in Scythe, and we decided that the $ sign was the clearest symbol. Each coin in Scythe’s fictional 1920s universe is based on a different faction–there is no universal currency (the Euro didn’t exist yet). Yes, we could have created a new symbol, but it would have been yet another symbol for players to remember. We had the choice between making something up (which would have confused a lot of people) or using a universally recognized symbol for money. We chose the latter, especially since $ is used to represent currency for a number of real-world countries. This decision was well informed by discussions with backers and finalized during the Kickstarter campaign.

Why are there typos in the art book?

There are about 8 pages with text in the entire book. 7 of them were proofread and are near-perfect. 1 of them (page 4) was not, and it’s for a reason.

Page 4 contains a letter written by Jakub to the reader of the book. Jakub’s English is excellent, but it’s not his first language. I could have edited and rewritten Jakub’s letter, but it would be like editing an exact quote. You can’t do that (well, you can, but I didn’t feel it was right).

Please don’t read page 4 and see typos. Read page 4 and see the words of an artist who put his heart into the world of Scythe–the art, the game, and the book. Jakub is very proud of this book, so give him the opportunity to speak to you on page 4 as if you were looking him eye to eye, thanking him for letting us into his world.

Why isn’t the board modular?

UPDATE: There is now a modular board for Scythe, a separate (optional) purchase.

There are fivekey reasons why the original board wasn’t modular.

  1. The rivers are biggest challenge in creating a modular board. If the board were a random set of hexagonal tiles, you would have rivers that only run along a single edge between tiles, which doesn’t really serve a mechanical purpose (nor does it work aesthetically or thematically).
  2. The art simply wouldn’t be nearly as cohesive if it were made of modular tiles. The Scythe board tells a story; modular hexes do not. The world of Scythe isn’t modular–this is a specific world we’ve built that’s based on an alternate-history 1920s Eastern Europe, not a random one generated by the players.
  3. The map is one of the biggest aspects of the faction-based asymmetry in the game. We’ve designed the Nordic faction’s abilities based on them starting in the north with limited access to certain resources, for example, and all factions have a mech “riverwalk” ability that correlates precisely to their homeland. Same with all the other factions.
  4. The board includes three tracks and several places to put cards, which allows for better organization than if these items were floating around the table.
  5. There’s already a lot of variability in the Scythe setup (namely, 25 different combinations of faction and player mats and tons of different objective and encounter cards).

Will you ever sell a special version of Scythe that includes everything?

While we appreciate the interest that some people might have in an all-in-one version of Scythe (the game, all expansions, all accessories, and all promos), there are a few reasons why we won’t be doing that. First, it would be prohibitively expensive for customers (around $300), which also makes it very difficult to sell via distribution channels. Second, it would be a 180 reversal for us, as we’ve said for years that we wouldn’t make such a product, and many people have bought into Scythe’s ala-carte style system–it wouldn’t be fair to them. Third, the ala carte system allows people to pick and choose exactly which elements of Scythe they want, which ensures that everyone pays for exactly what they want, nothing more. For those reasons, we won’t be making an all-in-one version of Scythe.

Will you ever make a Scythe RPG (role-playing game)?

We considered it a while ago, and we even accepted a few submissions for a Scythe RPG. But then I realized that I know nothing about RPGs—I couldn’t judge the quality of the submissions, and even if we did publish it, the RPG market is completely different than the hobby game market (I know how the hobby game market works, but not the RPG market). So while Stonemaier Games won’t be publishing a Scythe RPG, it is possible that Jakub will publish one in the future, as he owns the rights to his 1920+ world.

Is Iron Harvest a Scythe video game?

–Iron Harvest is a video game set in the same 1920+ world (created by Jakub Rozalski) as Scythe. It is a real-time combat game developed by a company called King Art Games.
–Stonemaier Games has absolutely no connection to Iron Harvest (other than the personal connection that we support Jakub).
–Jakub owns the entire 1920+ intellectual property (Stonemaier Games only has the tabletop game rights). That’s whythere’s content out there–like Iron Harvest, puzzles, framed art, etc–that inhabits the same world but has no connection to Stonemaier Games.
–Scythe Digital is different than Iron Harvest. Whereas Iron Harvest is a real-time combat game, Scythe Digital is the Scythe board game in digital form with full AI.

Should I consider dual-layered mats in my game, just like Scythe?

From what I’ve seen (working with Panda), dual-layered player mats cost about 3-4x more than regular player mats. Part of it is the additional materials cost–you’re printing 2 full player mats instead of just 1. The other part is labor, which is twofold: First, someone has to punch the top layer, removing all of the chits. Second, someone has to glue the top layer to the bottom layer. Those might seem like quick things to do, but compared to just running a sheet of paper through a printer and applying it to a piece of cardboard, it adds a significant labor cost.

Also, from the graphic design perspective, it’s kind of a nightmare, as the graphic designer needs to create 3 different layers for each mat. I’ve attached an example here from the Scythe expansion.

One of the stipulations for making any insert with holes in it (whether it’s like Scythe or Evolution) is that the holes need to be far enough away from each other and from the edge of the cardboard that the cardboard in between is substantial and sturdy. Some games don’t have that much room between information on the punchboard.

Also, you run the risk of components not fitting into the mats. They might fit now, but things can change (sometimes without you knowing it) on subsequent print runs: the diecuts may be adjusted, the printing/punching/gluing methods may change, and the tokens may get slightly bigger or smaller based on paint, type of wood, plastic moulds, etc.

Last, there is a higher risk of the dual-layered mats warping due to the way the glue expands and contracts.

An alternative to the precarious dual-layered mat is something like the mats in Evolution and Dice Forge—a single mat with holes punched in it. You can use that if no information necessary under each hole. Also see Summit, which uses dual-layered mats similar to Scythe, but slightly different.

For all of these reasons, I’m extremely hesitant to use dual-layered mats in future games. I would only do so if absolutely necessary.

How big and heavy is Scythe?

All versions of Scythe are 300 x 365 x 98mm. The weight of the retail version is 3.28 kg (7.2 lbs).

What are the card totals for the KS editions of Scythe?

  • 36 encounter cards (8 of these are promos)
  • 18 factory cards (6 of these are promos)
  • 27 objective cards (4 of these are promos)
  • 42 combat cards
  • 5 Riverwalk cards
  • 5 quick-start cards
  • 31 Automa cards

In the KS versions, the promos are in the same shrinkwrap as the other cards.

126 Comments on “FAQ – Scythe

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  1. Please explain the Infrastructure/Mech mods for Automa on the Rise of Fenris Campaign. How do I know which of the two to use once both types of mods are unlocked and introduced into the campaign?


    1. If a module is used, the setup instructions for the current scenario will specifically mention them (otherwise don’t use them).


      1. Thank you Jamey. I think I understand. So in theory both columns can be used, it is just a matter of which Mod type is unlocked first. Is that accurate?


        1. That’s right!


  2. Hi, When playing as Crimean Khanate, if you unlock the mech ability ‘scout’ can you use this combat card in battle with any you can already use for example if you enter combat with 1 mech, could you steal a combat card and then use 2 in battle. Or do you just steal the combat card and add it to your hand? Choosing only 1 to play in this case.


    1. Regular limits on combat cards still apply, but the theft happens before you select combat cards to use, so you can use it in the current combat.


      1. Thank you! Have been playing with my flatmates after getting it for Christmas, we are absolutely loving the game.


  3. I finished a game against the automa. It ended in it’s turn by me winning a fight and thus the last star. The automa rules state that the game ends immediately after anyone wins the last star. However, the sentence afterwards specifically states that the remaining actions of the automa are skipped if it is the automa winning the the last star. (At least in the German translation). So I wonder if that means that since I won the last star, the rule is overwritten and the automa does the remaining actions.


    1. Hi Alfons,
      I can’t verify whether the German rulebook is clear about this, however in the English rulebook it says, “The game ends immediately after *someone* places their sixth star. Therefore, if an action on an Automa card leads to the sixth star being placed…”
      In your case, the action on the Automa card led to the fight that led to *someone* (you) placing the sixth star.
      Therefore, “the remaining actions on the card are not performed.”
      I hope this clarifies it for you. Have fun,


    2. Game is over. Rulebook specifically that Scythe is an asymmetrical game in the sense that not all players (Automas included) will have the same number of turns as each other.


  4. Hello ya’ll,

    Yesterday me and my wife just had a blast playing our first Scythe game (and what a game it was…)!! She won btw :)

    Regarding the placement of the 6th star: For example, if a player places its 6th star when doing the top-row bolster action, does that player also gain the bonus of that action (ie gains 1 popularity) if he already built the monument on a previous turn, that uncovers that 1 popularity?

    Regarding the statement that is in the modular board’s rulebook: “If there is water on a non-lake territory that connects to an adjacent lake, it is considered part of the lake (you don’t need Riverwalk to cross it, but you do need a lakewalk ability).”

    So, I do understand that a river is always between 2 pieces of land but, sometimes, this can be very difficult to visualize in some territories, as the hexagon borders themselves are printed almost near land and/or water and they are still adjacent to lakes.

    I have an image of the main board with 8 water spots where I have doubts if they are lakes or rivers. Can you help me identifying them please?

    Thank you in advance and …what a great game this is! :)


  5. May I build a structure on a hex that already has an opponents’ flag on it?


    1. You may!


  6. If two players have the cavalry mod, how do you decide who goes first? Can one player react to the other player using cavalry? Do they both choose in secret?

    Or am I misunderstanding cavalry all together? Do you choose to use cavalry after the wheels have been revealed? Or is combat the triggering event and you choose to use it once combat has began? If so, there would still be the issue of who goes first.


    1. By default, the attacker goes first. I don’t have cavalry in front of me, but if you share the exact text I can answer further.


      1. it says “combat: add 2 to combat total AFTER cards and dials are revealed”

        In the instructions for the mods under clarifications it says “spy, propaganda, and cavalry are triggered by other actions” and on cavalry it says combat is the triggering action.


      2. And to add to my last comment, the attacker going first in this case would be a major disadvantage. If it is that way, that’s fine, it just seemed like that possibly isn’t the intention, since attackers win ties and typically have the advantage in battle.


      3. Hey there, just looking for a follow up on my clarification comments if you get the chance


        1. I’m sorry, Riley–I completely missed your follow-up comments.

          For cavalry and any other non-simultaneous choices in combat, the attacker acts first, then then defender. While the attacker breaks ties in combat, having the defender go second for infrastructure mods like this gives them the advantage of being able to respond to the attacker.

          See page 22 of the Scythe rules: “If the attacking player has a mech ability that impacts combat, they use that ability first, followed by the defending player.”


  7. HI, question about atoma vs 2 players. as it attacked, quite often happened that Nordia was attacked more then often as it is the first nation when we check order from left top corner. That makes game unequal. any comments about ?


    1. Hi Lukas. Including Automa in a multi-player game of Scythe is only a semi-official variant. You are correct that there can be a bias towards one faction when playing that way. The Rise of Fenris and the Complete Scythe Rulebook both contain an alternate tiebreaker that addresses your concern.

      At the start of the game place an Automa recruit token on Albion’s home base.
      1. Instead of using the the Normal English Reading Order tiebreaker, select the territory that is closest to that token.
      a. If there is a tie, move the token two home bases clockwise and try again, until a territory is selected.
      2. After using this tiebreaker, move the token two home bases clockwise.

      This keeps the choice from being biased towards one of you.

      Have fun,


  8. Hi Jamey! I had a question about Polanias, Comraderie mech ability. Do you still loss popularity from workers retreating when there is no combat, between another mech or character.

    Also is it possible to deploy a mech on your home base?

    Thank you ?


    1. Hi Bradley! Camaraderie specifically notes “in combat”, so outside of combat the ability has no effect.

      As for deploying, the rule is to “place that mech on a territory you control with at least one worker on it.” Home base isn’t a territory, so you cannot deploy onto your home base.

      Happy Scything!


  9. Hi Jamie- when playing the disarm mech (on a tunnel) for Saxony, does the opponent permanently lose the 2 power or do they get it back after the fight? Thanks!


    1. Thanks Sarah! The opponent simply moves their power token down 2 spaces on the power track. It does not reset.


  10. At the end of the game, who controls a territory, a building or an opposing unit?


    1. Units trump buildings for territory control. Thanks for playing! Here’s the text about control early in the rulebook: “You control a territory if you have at least one unit there (a character, worker, or mech) OR if you have a structure there with no enemy characters, workers, or mechs. Only one player at a time can control a territory.”


  11. Hello, we finished Rise of Fenrise campaign. We really enjoyd playing it! We had quit hard discussion at the end of episode 8A-there is statement, that you can put reward for stars in Triumf log ,,anywhere,,. Does this mean e.g. that if player gets star for 8 workers and for quest card, he can add these success in Triumf log both in winning a battle column? Or this apply only for new special tiles (3 encounters, 8 fight cards, 1 factory card..)? And second question connected with this-does rule ,,only 1,, triumf per catogory still apply in episode 8A (so you can put no more than 1 triumf in column?


    1. Congrats on completing the campaign! You are correct that you can put stars in any category on the Triumph Log (the flexibility is so that all of your stars count for that game, even if you’ve filled a category). You can still only earn 1 triumph per category, though.


  12. Hi! So my question involves the “Send one back as a warning” objective card. If achieving this objective is a persons last star, would they be allowed to do their bottom row action after they complete this or does the game end after their move action?


    1. Thanks Tori! When a player gains their 6th star, the game instantly ends.


  13. I have a question that is going to decide the outcome of a bet. The Crimean mechs… which end is the front end? I assume the cannon is the front end and the boiler and smaller wheel are at the rear. Can you clear this up?


    1. The cannon is indeed the front! :)


  14. Have a question about the “Armour” mech mod from Rise of Fenris. It became confusing between two players:
    1. The amount of power gained from discarded card goes to the power supply (for example, I had 10 power, attacker scrapped 2 power card, so I have 12 power in total, but still I can use at the most 7 in the battle) or directly to the battle (so in that scenario, I can use 9 power points in battle + cards)?
    2. If I have Armor mod and I’m aggressor, do the defending enemy also scrap one chosen card? Or the mech mod works only if I defend (like for example Albion’s Shield)?


    1. What is the exact wording on the Armour mech mod?


      1. “Before combat, an attacking opponent must discard 1 combat card. You gain that much power.”


        1. Thanks! You gain the power as normal (tracked on the power track). The amount of power you can spend on your dial remains the same.

          The armor mod looks at an attacking “opponent,” so it only triggers when you’re defending if you have the mod.


          1. Thanks for your help

  15. Hello,
    I wonder if there’s a number of time limit to use the factory card during a game? I notice once in the digital game that the card wasnt available to use after a certain time I used it?
    Thanks for the answer :)


    1. The first available turn to use a factory card is the turn after you gained it.


      1. Thanks for your answer!
        Yeah I know, I meant if there’s a limit of use of the factory card (example of 5 times during the entire game).
        In the digital edition, I was block to use the card after several times! So I wonder if there’s an official rule about somewhere about it?


        1. It counts as a section of your player mat, so the only limit is that you can’t use it on sequential turns. There’s no limit about how many times you can use it, though. My guess is that the top action on the card was related to something limited (like, you can only deploy 4 mechs), but there’s no limit to how many times you can use the bottom action on the factory card.


          1. Ok all right! Make sense! That was probably that! Well, if it happens again to me during a digital game, I will let you know ;) thanks for your quick answers! Awesome game by the way! My favorite one so far! Ive got the game improve by painting all the minis, print in 3D the factory and also all the workers, building, etc… You should add those upgrade as official! ;)

  16. hi.
    question. If I have enough resources (six barrels, say) and improvements cost 3 barrels, can I spend all 6 in one turn to drag two improvments down to the bottom? same with machs etc. or am I limited to just one improvement/mach/building/recruit per turn?
    thanks a million.
    Marco from Italy


    1. You’re limited to just 1 use of the action per turn. :)


      1. thank you


  17. Hello! A quick question about Albion. Let’s say I move the character and engage in combat. I win the combat and earn my sixth and final star. Am I allowed to place a flag on that hex after the battle, or would the game be officially over and no flag can be placed?


    1. You still get to place the flag. :)


      1. Thank you for the clarification!! I appreciate the quick response.


  18. Hi, a question in regards to the Automa… When an Automa ‘player’ loses a combat that it instigated, does it then play the rest of it card, I.e. ‘Gains’, ‘Recruit Bonus’, and ‘Star Tracker Advancement’ lines, or does it’s turn end? I’m playing the full card, but it feel quite right… :-)


    1. You carry out the rest of the card whether the Automa wins or loses – it takes more than a lost battle to stop it :-)


  19. Hey, I couldn’t find a leaderboard for scythe. Does it not have one? If not, why?


    1. We had one for a while, but people weren’t recording their scores on it.


      1. Oh well. I just started playing it (love it by the way) and was curious how my scores compared to other 2 player games. Thanks for taking the time to reply, I’m a big fan of your work!


  20. Hello! No questions. I’ve never had a favourite board game company before. I’m in awe of what you guys are crankin out. I have everything pertaining to Scythe, Viticulture, Wingspan, and now Expeditions is on the way. You folks are absolutely killin it! Your games are entertaining and challenging and the quality is the best I’ve ever come across. I’m 46 and played games my entire life, but I tell ya, since picking up Scythe (first big purchase in quite some time), I’ve been absolutely hooked and plan on board gaming till I’m deep in the ground. So to Jamey, and all you fine folks at Stonemaier, keep up the outstanding work!


    1. Thank you, Owen! I’m so glad you’re enjoying our games, and I hope you get plenty of plays out of Expeditions. :)


      1. Haha I know I will! Even got the Ironclad Edition. Stomp stomp. Have a good one Jamey!


  21. Hi! I have two questions about movement and how it affects airships.
    Does the +1 hex movement from some mechs apply to airships?
    When using the Factory card movement, may I double how far airships can move (i.e., do a full movement twice)?


    1. Thanks for playing The Wind Gambit! Mech abilities do not apply to airships. The Factory card increase the airship range by +1 (not x2).


      1. Thank you so much!
        One more question, the rule book says “A worker on an airship does not give you control of the airship’s territory—those workers can’t produce or trade on that territory…” However, the Airship defensive ability “Safe Haven” says “If your airship’s territory is unoccupied by opponents, you control the territory and your units may retreat here from anywhere.” Does the hex control from Safe Haven mean that workers ON the airship may produce and trade on this hex?


        1. Workers on your airship can’t produce and trade, even with that ability.


  22. Hi!
    I have the quastion about mech mod “armor”. Can I use this ability if I am attaker?


    1. I’m happy to help! Can you share the exact text on that mech mod?


  23. Hello,
    I would need a clarification for Fenris: Episode 3 and the encounter card 72 – How can I use that card in this episode? I have a logic idea, but I need confirmation, don’t want to spoiler here.


    1. Milan: I appreciate the spoiler shield. Can you describe card 72 and the conflict you’re concerned about? It’s completely possible that specific encounter cards in that promo pack don’t fit with specific scenarios/modules, so the best approach is probably just to discard that card and draw another one that doesn’t create an odd scenario.


  24. Hi,
    I have a question about the Scythe Digital Edition. I just purchased the game, and my first game I’m playing Polania, and it lists my Riverwalk ability as “Move to/from lakes and move from any lake to another”, ie. the same wording as Submerge, one of my other mech abilities.
    Is this a bug? I can send a screenshot if requested.


    1. That does appear to be a bug; please report it to the makers of Scythe Digital (there should be a way to do that through the app).


      1. Ah ok, thanks for the confirmation!


    2. Uma duvida, o líder pode levar recurso?


  25. Hi
    If there is just a worker on a tile and a mech lands on that tile, is that counted as a “fight” and the turn ends there or can the mech return the worker to it’s home base and then move on?


    1. Bridget: It isn’t a fight, but moving your mech onto a territory with an opponent’s worker will end your mech’s movement for that turn. The worker would return to their home base and you would lose 1 popularity.


  26. Hello,
    I have a question. As a gambit to prevent another player from getting a star for popularity, could I use a mech to carry workers into combat then have them immediately retreat causing the other player to lose popularity? I figured since it doesn’t count as a move for the workers it might work.


    1. Caleb: You can only lose popularity for displacing an opponent’s workers if you are the aggressor, so this gambit wouldn’t result in a loss of popularity for the defending opponent.


  27. Hello! Question about picking and dropping workers/resources during a Move action. For example, we have a speed bonus, and a factory card with it special “move action”. So, my Mech makes 3 steps: 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 (0 is starting position, 3 is finishing position). Question is:

    1. Can my Mech take three workers/resources from starting position, and drop each of them on different territories (one at 1, one at 2, and one will stay with Mech at finishing position)?

    2. Can my Mech collect all workers/resources from every passed territory, and come with it to the finishing position)?


    1. Thanks for your questions!

      1. Can my Mech take three workers/resources from starting position, and drop each of them on different territories (one at 1, one at 2, and one will stay with Mech at finishing position)?


      2. Can my Mech collect all workers/resources from every passed territory, and come with it to the finishing position)?



  28. Hi Jamey,
    I’ve had Scythe for a while and recently got Rise of Fenris because it offers a coop version of Scythe and on the whole I prefer coop games.
    When we played, we ended up trying to get the Combat win against Desolation but that seemed to be exceptionally difficult to get because the players can’t combine their attacks on Desolation — that is, you can’t have units from multiple factions attacking Desolation simultaneously and thus combining their combat cards. You can combine forces and combat cards (but not power) but you can only do that by being in the same hex and then hoping that Desolation will move in the right direction to attack you. Have we got that right? It then means that to defeat the 6th Desolation unit, even though Desolation had mostly picked up 2 strength combat cards and can’t have more than 16 power, in order to beat its last unit by attacking it one of the players needed to be able to attack with 4 units (only possible with Reinforce mech ability) and also had to have 4 combat cards with combined strength of at least 11 just to have a chance to win against Fenris. Is the combat victory meant to be so exceptionally difficult to achieve?


    1. Thanks for playing the cooperative Desolation mode, Louise! You’re correct that “Multiple players can team up in defensive combat
      against Desolation to play more combat cards,” but you still take individual turns, so you can only initiate combat individually. Desolation starts with 1 combat card as its power (1-5), and after destroying 5 Desolation units, there will be 6 cards to determine its power (so, between 6 and 16). Its power is temporarily increased each combat by the roll of a d6, so its actual range is 7 to 22. In that way, if you attack with 2 units, and use combat cards of total value of, say, 9, you need to have 13 total power to win combat. It’s meant to be difficult but not impossible. If you want to make it a little easier, just don’t have Desolation start with a combat card.


      1. Thanks Jamey. Don’t you have the usual limit of 7 power you can commit in a single combat? Or does that limit not apply when facing Desolation?


        1. That’s a good point. The max power limit does still apply.


      2. Jamey, Can you help me understand this? As I do the math, with 1 combat card, the Desolation units would have power between 2 and 5. With 6 combat cards, it would be between 12 (2×6) and 30 (5×6). What do I not understand about how the Desolation unit power works?


        1. Thanks Trent! You have to factor in the die roll too to add an element of uncertainty.


          1. Ok, by my calculations after 5 figures are destroyed Desolation can have minimum of 12 on cards + 1 on die = 13, but can have max of 30 (5×6) on cards + 6 on die = 36. If it has maximum cards but only 1 on die, it’s still on 31 power. Even if you have 4×5 power cards and can send 4 mechs at once against it, you can still only send 20+7=27 power against it, which is impossible to win regardless of its die roll and even impossible with the cavalry token. If, as is more likely, you can only send out 2 or 3 mechs against it, you will still only have max power 22, and then there will be many combos of power cards for Desolation that are impossible to beat. The players will be able to see partway through whether that type of victory is becoming impossible, but it certainly seems far, far harder than the other type of victory. Was that intentional?

          2. Yes, it’s intentional–Desolation is meant to be intimidating and difficult. Louise, I think a really important distinction here is that the primary way to win against Desolation is to have at least 1 star on every Triumph category–it isn’t necessary to destroy all Desolation units.

  29. Hi, I have a question about the Production action… Can you choose to NEVER produce workers (even if you have a worker on a village hex) to prevent exposing a red rectangle and incurring the exposed “cost”? Essentially, choosing to only produce resources for free each time Production action is done.


    1. Definitely! It will limit the amount you produce (the more workers, the more you can produce), but it might be a viable strategy.


  30. Hi, i have a question about the armory and the monument.

    I have build the armory – now i take the trade action and choose to increase my popularity instead of buying two resources. Do i still gain the armorys’ bonus of increasing my power by 1 or do i only get the bonus if I choose to take the 2 resources? (Because the armory is below the 2 resources). Same question for the monument.


    1. You do everything from top to bottom, starting with the cost and ending with the building benefit.


      1. Thank you for your answer!

        I have one more question about the Seaworthy mech ability of the Nordic Faction:

        The rule book says:
        “SEAWORTHY: Your character and mechs can move to and from
        lakes and retreat onto adjacent lakes (you may still also
        retreat those units to your home base).”

        What exactly does this “…and retreat onto adjacent lakes” mean?

        Does it mean I can retreat onto a lake after I’ve lost a combat? But the rule book further says: “you may still also retreat those units to your home base”.
        That’s confusing me. Thanks for the answer in advance!!


        1. Normally when you retreat, you return those units to your home base. The Nordic faction (with Seaworthy unlocked) may do that, or they may retreat to an adjacent lake.


  31. Hello, I have a question about coins.
    Like i understood it, every faction has a different total amount of coins(some have more than others). What happens if I have obtained all coins of my faction? Can I get any more coins than my faction provides?


    1. They act just like real life coins–it’s the number on the coins that matter, not the designs on them.


      1. Thank you for the reply! That actually makes more Sense?


  32. Hi there! I’ve a question about Speed Mech and Factory mat. I noticed a difference between Scyte: Digital Edition and Scythe. I saw that the videogame allows me to move 4 square after I unlockd the Speed Mach and obtained the Factory Mat movement, but Scythe rules (page 25) say “If you’ve unlocked the Speed mech ability, one of your mechs or your character may move up to 3 territories with this Move action.”
    I didn’t see any FAQs about it, it is correct to say that the Digital Edition has a different rule? Thanks a lot in advance


    1. Thanks for playing Scythe, Simone! The rulebook is correct (up to 3 territories).


  33. Hello – I have a question regarding the Togawa faction/ the purple/ and its mech ability Shinobi. In episode 3 of the Rise of Fenris we had Togawa character in the factory with a placed disarmed trap. Is it possible to spend 1 movement to arm the trap and trigger the effect of the factory/ getting a token and searching for Vesna/ with the main character which is already on the factory hex or he should move to other hex, then do other action and then go back to the factory and trigger the special effect of the factory and mech ability?


    1. Thanks for your question. Shinobi is used when your character/mech ends their movement on a location with a disarmed trap. As for Episode 3 specifically, you can still do this (it would happen during step d).


      1. Thanks for the answer – but is it possible to use Shinobi as teleport but to stay on same hex /factory/ and arm the trap and counting as re-entering the factory hex – saying i’m teleporting to a trap but i’m choosing the trap that is on the factory hex / compared with the other – they have +1 speed so they can move from the factory and re-enter the factory hex with 1 move action?

        Also could you give us any suggestions for using the Togawa faction in the campain – from our experience playing the game we noticed that this faction it is hard to do anything that requires a fast game and interactions with the factory in comparison with the other factions?


        1. Within the same move, that isn’t possible–that would be two separate moves.

          As for strategy tips and tricks, I think the best way to get them is in the Scythe Facebook group and on BoardGameGeek. I may have designed the game, but I’m not necessarily good at it. :)


  34. Hello and thanks for that fantastic game, we are enjoying it a lot!
    Yesterday during a game we had a doubt during a combat between Nordic (defender) and Albion (attacker), where Nordic had only 1 power. Nordic would have liked to use the ability “artillery” (Before combat, if you pay 1 power, opponent get -2 power) and Albion the ability “sword” (Before you engage in combat as attacker, the defender loses 2 power).
    Wich one between the two ability activate first? Because if “sword” activate first, Nordic fall to 0 power and can’t use “artillery”


    1. Thanks Simone! I appreciate you typing out the abilities here. The attacker’s abilities always trigger first.


  35. We opened the expansion The Wind Gambit, and for the passive airship ability got card No. 12: hero “when your airship ends is movement on a village, you may pay 1 objective card to gain 1 objective card and 1 popularity”. Does this require the player to have finished the objective, which means it can happen only once, or is this a good way to earn popularity faster if you don’t complete the objective anyway?


    1. Great question! In Scythe when you complete an objective, you discard all of your objective cards (unless you’re Saxony). So this airship ability is referring to times in the game before you’ve completed objectives–it’s a way to cycle out objectives you don’t want for objectives that might be more compelling to you.


  36. Hello. In Structure Bonus Tile for end of game, the term Adjacent is present on multiple tiles. For example: Structure adjacent to encounter icons : if the structure is built ON the same territory than an encounter icon, does it count ? Or it must be adjacent to be valid, but not on the territory itself?
    Thanks for your lights


    1. Kerkael: The tiles must be adjacent, not on the same tile as the structure.


  37. Hello, in wind gambit, special ending card “spoils of war”.
    player Saxony has 5 stars. i generate a fake attack to get him to 6 Stars.
    (the popularity chart is in my convenience to end the game)
    Does the Game ends inmediatly, like always?
    or the game ends at the end of the turn of the player with 6 stars? (like the “spoils of war” card says.


    1. Juan: Given that’s what the Spoils of War tile says, the game ends at the end of the turn of the player with 6 stars.


  38. This might not be an FAQ, but Game 7 of Rise of Fenris was just completed in 6 turns by the Vesna faction in our current campaign. I think that there might be some balancing issues on this mission with the alternate win condition. Just some feedback, but enjoying the campaign a lot!


    1. In Rise of Fenris, horrify is not a combat ability, but takes place after combat when units are retreating. Does the spy mod that negates a mech ability before combat cards are added affect horrify?


      1. Thanks for your question. Because Horrify isn’t a combat ability, you can’t negate it using a combat-ability negator.


  39. In the rulebook of Rise of Fenris says “Total victories and remaining wealth will also play a role…” but there is no advantage from the number of games won. Is it a mistake in the rules?


    1. You do gain advantages from winning; they will be revealed as you play. There is no mistake.


  40. When Polania is selecting multiple encounter options, and one of those options instructs the player to keep the card in order to gain a later benefit, can that player select that option first, and select a second option later after revealing the card? (Since the benefits are selected “in any order”.)


    1. Absolutely! :)


  41. In the Rise of Fenris, I defeated the final Fenris agent and the game immediately ended. Would I be able to flip over my private objective as the game is ending that states “Control 5 territories surrounding the same lake at the end of your turn” if the movement that I used to get into Fenris’ territory also was the fifth territory I needed for my private objective?


    1. Thanks for your question, Jordan. You would need to reveal that card before the end game is triggered, so I’m sorry to say the objective wouldn’t count in this case.


      1. Thank you! Your insanely fast response is truly impressive! You’re the man!


  42. For the produce action, can you choose the same territory twice or more to produce resources? For example, choosing a territory with 2 workers twice to produce 4 resources. Or is each territory limited to once per action in the core game?


    1. For Produce, you must choose different territories, not the same territory twice.


  43. For the “shinobi” power which says “move to any territory with a trap token”. Do I need to have a valid path to the target hex? Or is it like a “teleport” that doesn’t consider the path for the move?


    1. It’s a teleport ability. :)


  44. Hello,
    When you have the objective cart N°2.
    Can you count your mine as one of the 3 tunnels to complete it ?


    1. I’m sorry, but you cannot. Your mine acts like a tunnel during your Move actions, but it isn’t a tunnel.


  45. I’m still not clear about the cost to produce. One of the replies above says that once you produce a worker that reveals a cost, then the next time you choose produce, you pay that cost – one power for example. So far so good. Now, after you produce another couple of workers, a second cost is revealed, let’s say that one is a coin. So now, when you choose produce, is it the cumulative cost? That is to say, do you pay one power *and* one coin?


    1. Dave: Whenever you produce, before you do anything else, you’ll look at all exposed costs in the produce area. As you mentioned, the exposed icons can include 1 power and 1 coin. If that’s what you see (before gaining any produce benefit), you must pay it. Then you gain the benefit (resources and/or workers).


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