Cunesday, Aug. 27. 19g3 Page 6 Austin, Texas She Austin Slalrsmatt SADLER Martial Law Ebbs In Hurricane Area School Bonds Support Asked (Continued from Page One) resolution, then voted to delay a final vote. The move to delay the vote came on a motion from Rep. Joe Shannon of Fort Worth after toll, said the total of known Ed Wroe chairman of tr.e.
classrooms. This adds up to a dead was 127. Associated Press Mississippi's hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast will be returned Advisory commiuee, o-uwis, Sv an hour and 35 minutes of Wednesday asked for individual junior highs, and three senior The number reported missing stood at 56, and 14 of the bodies completely to civilian control by debate in the closing minutes oiuj raniratinnal sunoort midnight Wednesday after being; at the central morgue in Gulf- The bond issue also calls fo- the first called session of thetne Soum Austin Exchange Club additions to existing scW Legislature. or the scn0ol bond election i under martial law imposed in port have not been identified. I hurricane Camille's aftermath.
wuliams. announcement lift -i Wroe told the A 1 1 duiiuhik, numbing equipment Shannon's motion to delay at their weeKiyiur iw atuouis, and hnsinessmen action until after the Legislature I Gov. John Bell Williams Tues-jing martial law Tuesday came ordered that martial lawi after a private conference with still In effect in some areas be county and municipal officials I phased out completely as the from the area. Williams said communities showed signs of re-daily evluations of the pro-turning to normal activities. jgress of the cleanup and grad- was forced to adjourn killed the resolution for that session, but supporters pledged to carry on their fight in the second called session which began breakfast meeting the million bond issue is needed to provide classroom facilities for the anticipated 14,000 additional school children who will be in the system by 1975.
It was the first promotional acquiring land for schools to be built after 1975 now while "laiy is still reasonably priced." "The amount of money becomes academic once yoc decide what are the absolute educational needs. We cannot expect the education of the ft. Martial law ended at midnight ual restoration of public utilities Wednesday. The resolution, introduced by Tuesday for Ocean Springs and showed a decrease in the need to end 24 hours later in for martial law. talk given by Wroe in support Rep.
Frances Farenthold of ture to be delivered to our chil- the election which will be Corpus Christi, charges gave misleading and 'held Sept. 27. He said he andldren at 1955 prices," he said. Some 1,350 Army and Air National Guardsmen remained on duty along the coast with anoth Harrison and Hanco*ck counties, 'which include Gulfport, Biloxi, Pass Christian and Bay St. Louis.
evasive testimony before a his committee memDers wm M-w(6 committee holding hearings on speak to any civic organization no related to any decis.ons or er 260 at CamD Shelby, which is. in me rascagouia area, for sheltering, refugees. an antiquities bill. The alleged misleading that offers an mviiauon. Wroe said studies taken by the Department of Austin will experience a 55 Health, Education and Welfare, percent growth rate in the next; Neither is it related to teacher ame niuii- School offidals from counties cane, where damage was less, wt by bmicane Camille were testimony centered on Sadler's dealings with an Indiana 'j 4 i a salaries, ne saiu.
ijioi MW Tuesday they would receive last week. no federal restoration funds un- Emergency operations during schools were ta treasure hunting firm, Platoro aecaue anu t.j of 400.000 bv 19S0. "State law requires that bonds iau. int. vi uoij-, wiiiuu 7 Prance with civil rights legisla.
ny ia, scnooi oiuuaui mj the system will need 1,007 new he said. sparked a statewide controversy and official court probe. In a statement early Monday, icvlcu me iauonai uuara tion ana uie state mgnway patrol. MeanwhQe, the search fori The announcement came from Guy H. Clark, chief of field op Sadler said, "I believe that the erations for the U.S.
Office of house's action vindicates my position and for this I am hurricane dead continued. Billy Joe Cross, director of the state Game and Fish Commission, assigned to determine the death Education. He told some 40 ad grateful." "I am sorry that a few ministrators from the affected schools they would expect no federal assistance for repair misguided persons saw fit to try Policy, Plan Urged For Model Cities New legislation to give cities conference of eight cities called increased state help in by Gov. Preston Smith to meet new revenues, and joint sharing at the Terrace in Austin. Welds in the federal Model Cities praised Smith for hij and replacement of buildings, LBJ Registration continued Wednesday for high school youngsters as elementary school students prepared for their registration Thursday.
Classes begin Tuesday. (Staff Photo by John Yates) SCHOOL DAYS Austin public schools were beginning to fill up Wednesday morning as less-than-overjoyed students began to trickle in for registration, as in S. F. Austin High School here. supplies and equipment if their and destroy me; but I am happy that a great majority of the House membership has set the record straight happy and schools were not in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights deeply greatful." Act of 1964.
TAX The vote for the substitute, MwAfri9mc n1 asked which carried the word leadership. Smith canceled his scheduled noon appearance at the Wednesday by Mayor Louie Increases in Income Reported All Over US "reprimand" instead of the proposed "censure" of the! (Continued from Page One) Welch. Moscow Air Crash Toll 15? of conference so he could address Legislature, was approved 71-34. The three-term mayor shortest and most pointed he has delivered to the legislature. The vote to postpone the final Houston made the first formal Storm Eve No Longer A Threat (Continued from Page One to nearby El Toro Marine Air Station near here.
Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel was named master of ceremonies for the dedication in the Redwood National Park, 670 miles north of San Clemente. The Rev. Billy Graham, friend of the Nixons and Johnsons, was on hand to deliver a prayer and California Gov. Ronald Reagan arranged to join the group.
On Oct. 2, 1958, Johnson the Legislature as it begins its second special session. Smith, in his prepared speeci He got a hearty round of amd Alaska, vote then carried 79-54. Rep. Don Cavness of Austin, who was chairman of the WASHINGTON (AP) -Both York, total and per capita income rose $4,146.
applause when he said: I realize that a good many to new highs in all regions and At the bottom were Mississip- committee which considered the SAFETY (Continued from Page One) General Thomas Bishop as as members had no voice in the MOSCOW (AP) About 15 being read by a substitute, saii the Model Cities program f. implies a "special responsibilijj I to state governments." I He said that means the sta'i must develop policies a states last year, the Commerce th Arkansas, antiquities bill during the last Department reports. and Alabama, $2,337. regular session, was obviously workings of the first special persons were killed and at least as many injured Tuesday night session than if they had stayed, The per capita personal in-: On a national basis, total per-! disturbed at the House's action. home and written Dostcards.
MIAMI, Fla. (AP) A cooling atmosphere softened the furv of trnniral stnrm Vvo'c come for tne country was sonai income in 1968 rose 9.25; me memDers wno voiea io(Sjstant The men who run the when a Soviet airliner crash- of assistance to to 1 the Office of Business Lconom-lner cent, nearlv one-third faster postpone taking a position are with the helo of many state programs signed the law that established 1 svstem Wednesday, easing ics reports in its August issue of than in 1967, the survey said. By; saying it doesn matter 'OMpnartments. 1 and, people of the cities ena trier the park. Mrs.
Johnson stood Legislature, Lt. Gov. Ben landed at Moscow's Vnukovo Barnes and House Speaker Gus'Airport, a witness said Wednes-Mutscher, both predicted the, day. the threat to the middle Atlantic them whether or not a person Bishop immediately set to work: local governments. Survey of Current Business.
regions the largest relative ad- beneath a 234-foot, 675-year old coastline. Total personal income in 1968iVances in 1968 were in the South conducts himself properly before a committee of this budget task could be completed! The source, a foreigner who on a comprehensive traffic plan He urged the conference for Texas. That revised plan'make specific requests for stau Maximum winds Wednesday was $683.7 billion, compared to; and West and the smallest in redwood to dedicate it Nov. 25, 1968. It was her farewell trip as first lady.
before the state faces its new! asked that his name be with- were estimated at no more than house." was submitted only last Aug. lhelp to cities in responding $625.6 billion in 1967. the East and North held, said he watched the plane 40 miles un hour, a reduction of Rep. Rayford Price of the needs of people. Three states and the district Today's ceremony was in the fiscal year Monday.
To meet the fiscal year on even terms, the lawmakers! 20 m.p.h. during a 12-hour peri Palestine, Sadler's home, urged speech opening the Model Cifia of Columbia showed $968 per same spot four miles from the approach the runway, then come down hard on its belly, skidding to a halt. Waiting fire and is now being reviewed by federal technicians. "Although we've been encouraged by comments of praise the House to kill the resolution; little town of Jorick, population must come up with a $330-plus capita income above $4,000. (They are: District of Columbia, because he said the members 885.
million tax bill to balance a engines that had been alerted did not have all of the facts. Connecticut, New od as the storm maintained a slow drift toward the northeast off North Carolina's coast. "Conditions do not favor significant intensification," forecaster Neil Frank said at the National Hurricane Center in "We are setting precedent," for the plan, final official action is not expected until later this fall. Part of the delay is now Collision Victims Doing Well spending program of more than immediately doused it, billion for the next a serious fire, he added, years. This report conflicted with de- There were considerations 'scriptions obtained at the air- The Johnsons were to arrive at the Nixon's new $340,000 oceanfront summer home at 10:30 a m.
Nixon set aside time before a noontime luncheon for he said. "We are sitting here and finding a fact and Gun Used In Murders Said Held due to the absence of a new condemning to a degree an director for the federal bureau thai the lawmakers might try to port by Western correspondents. official of the State of Texas by Austin Man Held in Jail After Scuffle in the Nixon administration. The pass a stop-gap measure during One airport employe and sever- this resolution." 'bureau has been patient with us. the remaining five days of this al others said the plane "burned Sadler has not testified It is only reasonable that we Miami.
Frank said the storm probably would shift to a more northerly direction during the day. At 6 a.m., the storm's center was near latitude 33.0 north, longi fiscal year and come back after, up." before the House and nobody Two Austin women were recovering from injuries Uonficgv cnffnrorl in turn now be patient with them Labor Day to do the job right. Intourist, the travel agency The first special session endedithat handles foreigners, said no here has cross-examined anyone who testified to the committee," A Austin man was! Tuesday on the defeat of a stop- foreigners were involved, "Meanwruie, we re actively ai DETROIT (AP) Radio st 4 work doing rather than plan-Uon WJR of Detroit reported ninS- 'day it has learned that law e- "I'm nnrfirnlarlv watpful fnr tude 70.5 west, or about 325 he said. being held in Austin city jail involving five cars Tuesday. gap measure, a move to: miles east-southeast of Cape Rep.
Temple Dixon of Wednesday following a Tuesday eliminate the immediate need Mrs. Marilyn Foster, 44, of Hatteras, N.C. night East Austin scuffle that Sweetwater called the resolutions, ve for a tax bill by cutting police officer toww vauey Ud r. U'JUICU backdoor impeachment." sent a the Texas Education Agency in Ln miinws of vonn? women i A inm.niF ri cinn or i na a private talk with his sor in office. Meanwhile Mrs.
Nixon planned to show the others around her newly decorated Spanish-style home. The luncheon featured Johnson's favorite roast prime sirloin of beef. The white cake had lemon filling. Only an hour was allotted for lunch so the party could get a 1 p.m. start for the redwoods.
The journey there and back was to take about five hours for ceremonies lasting only 25 minutes. One member of the Nixon family was absent. Tricia Nixon, 23, was in Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C., where doctors were trying Eve's winds began dropping Tuesday after the storm broke away from the warmer weather spending 21 per cent across the board for the time being and Rep. James Nugent of Kerrville Brackenridge Hospital for" T. treatment of a bloody nose and Guadalupe and West 14th St.
driver education, the Health De-jthe Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor area i A Nude Stroll Nets Youth Jail Cell looking to a called session next imersecuuii auuui i y.m. off Florida where it was born. said that if Sadler has done something wrong the right approach would be through parimeni in emergency meaicarjust over tw0 vears services, the Highway Depart-j station th i iTiipsrtav ShP was trpafpd ami month to do something permanent. I Patrolman George RrarWpnrMcrp uivui in iiuHiuving iaiuiy aesign weaDon was a cist impeachment proceedings. Envoy Holds Vow said that he responaea to a can Ho jtal The emergency cutback at critical points, and the de-land that ballistic showti "If this man is as bad as Jake Austin police were holding an Austin teenager in city jail 10 UbblM rtfiiuuuau jdiiica panment ot rustic barely in: was used in the slayings of Jm Police said Mrs.
Foster was TOKYO (AP) Foreign Min budget was rammed through thej House in short order, virtually Johnson (Sadler's most actively seesing pumic support; Mixe, the second victim, aril Black in the 1000 block of Spence about 8 p.m. Tuesday a passenger in a car driven by following an incident where a without explanation, but the for safer driving to reduce the that of Alice Kalom the sixth. persistent critic) portrays him, the method of filing an Frank F. Foster 49, of 5000 ister Kiichi Acihi is holding to his June vow that he would quit smoking until the negotiations lrrtunnr man TMnlfArl im In Senate balked at it by a 29-1 and ended up being hit in Mike neeaiess loss in lives, injuries. tf mnm-toH vpnnard.1 impeachment action is simple," 'vc Slater said the Foster car was to find the cause of persistent to return Okinawa to Japan i 1L nuae, aazea ana "They've lost their oli' Nugent said.
"If we're going to cut him abdominal pains. jwere finished. mice repons saia inejm collision with a car driven by officers were responding to ajMirhael R. Hnrrh. 17 of 920 shouted Sen.
Mike McKool of; Patrolman Phillip Willshaw down let's do it as the Dallas ahmit fh emorootiiMr and property damage. Christiansen, chief of the State "Automobile drivers can re-PoliCe's piyra0uth crime labora- duce casualty insurance had en in Salinas, Calif by reducing accidents. weck and Texas recently opened a slug from me Wy of an hearts to victims of Hurricane unidentified young girl mur-, Camille in a way that has made dered in that area on or about' Rockwood. disturbance call at the East Austin address and that budget proposal after a paraded coverea me is-year- Constitution provides." Johnson in a personal car accident In a three of state agency heads and a nff.i3i block of West loth SU about 9 YOUR HEALTH Huckabay was struck whileTuesday moralRg Mrs. rjharlie trying to get the man into a Westf 55 of 5609 Sam privilege speech, said that "this House was lied to.
The whole committee system was made a p.m. hamstring the state to a me proud to be a Texan. My July 6th." "Ballistic devestating point. WUlsnaw saia mat ne was earnest hope is that all Texans tests were made i Houston, was taken to The man, who was also Brackenridge following the treated at Brackenridge for aj mishap at the intersection of 6th mockery of." The death knell of the first unaWe t0 Wltn tne yunS will show the same considera- over the weekend," the station! He said the Legislature and Uon for their fellow men when cut head, was arrested andSt. and East Frontage Rd, special session was sounded 'man- lhe nuae man was nffiriaiiv after R9rn oilto city iail where he was said, "and reports indicate thpj i baaier nas oeen piayin on streets ana nipnwavs'rm piacea in cny jan ior patrolman Raymond J.
dressed before he was taken to Mutscher held a last-minute miiu ui a aiicu fcainc anu mis LDOr 11a WPPkPnri invebiigauon aggravated canders said Mrs. West was a itmuiij. pledged to continue i conference and agreed thev assault on a police officer. The station described the passenger in investigation into a 1 r's a car driven by 60, of the same couldn't agree on taxes. i weapon as "the first solid link'V Brackenridge Hospital for; examination.
Willshaw said that two of the youth's friends identified the voung man. The officer said Leroy West, address. Taxes on beer and whisky 2 Austinites Student Pilot Fatally Hurt between the Michigan slayingg remained the focal point of the and "at least one in Police said the West car was deadlock to the end. State Police Capt. Daniclf tw Mvre Jipart nf thp snprial rrimrii Earn "I think they purposely; that by about 10 p.m.
the youth Degrees in collision with autos driven by Frank Joe Martinets of 2705 Canterbury and Willie James BEEVTLLE, Tex. (AP) intended to set the stage in this had returned to normal and was direction," Mutscher said of the returned to the city jail where Two Austin residents received dealing with Platoro, which salvaged artifacts from a sunken Spanish galleon of Padre Island. I pledge to you that whether we stay here or go home I'm going to follow Jerry Sadler around Texas and tell the truth about (him). Rep. Dick Cory of Victoria, chairman of the rules committee which heard the Harris, 41, of 907 Concho.
Senate's insistence that beer he was held for investigation ofjdegrees at summer and whiskv be nut under thp disturbins the peace by indecent commencement exercises of Mrs. West was treated and center established to handle thc investigation, would neither con-l firm nor deny the story. John Norman Collins, 22, arl Eastern Michigan University! senior, is the only man to havt'l been charged in any of the sevi Navy Lt. (j.g.) Rhio R. H.
Wair, a student pilot suffered fatal injuries Late Tuesday when a TF9J Cougar jet trainer crashed on takeoff. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wair of China Lake, released from Brackenridge for sales tax without reducing the' exposure. North Texas State University minor injuries Jerry Hickman of 811 King industry's barrel taxes.
Edward Plaza received a MA Senate tax conference Officer" Sanders said the mishap occurred when two of degree in English. Jerry Three Texas Servicemen committee members on the final day offered to forget the beer en Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor slavf the cars collided, causing one to resolution, violated a pledge ofCalif- Scarborough of 2304 Leon received an MS degree in The crash occurred as Wairlings. He is awaiting Circuii sales tax in exchange for spin and strike a third stopped the committee to support the at a traffic light. resolution on the floor. clinical psychology.
raising the barrel tax from $4.30 was practicing takeoff and Court arraignment on a chargii tn( landings at Chase Field, the of having slain Karen Sui iPf Cory apologized to to $10. Killed in War committee but said he could not, naval auxiliary station where1 Beineman, 18-year-old Eastern! lie House tax COnferppe and with proper guidance. If a physical factor is involved, you may need appropriate medication and diet Your mention of having had "therapy twice to no avail" leaves me a little up in the air. Do you mean psychiatric thereapy? Compulsive eating can be an emotional matter. But there can also be physical factors, as I mentioned.
Psychiatry isn't going to provide any easy answer to emotional ones. It often takes thoughtful, careful examination and study of the facts to make sure which is the basis of your problem or whether it's a mixture of physical and emotional forces. But "diet pills' certainly aren't an answer as you well know after six years. You can lose weight if you really want to! Dr. Thosteson's booklet, "Lost Secret of Reducing," tells you how naturally and with no gimmicks to the level best suited to your individual needs.
For a copy, write to Dr. Thosteson, care of The Austin American-Statesman, enclosing 35 cents in coin and a long, self -a ddressed, stamped envelope. Dr. Thosteson welcomes all reader mail but regrets that, due to the tremendous volume received daily, he is unable to answer individual letters. Readers' questions are incor-jorated in his column whenever possible.
he was stationed with Training: Michigan coed, the seventh vie if er, By GEO. THOSTESON, M.D. DEAR DR. THOSTESON: I am a complusive eater and have been addicted to diet pills for six years. It takes six to eight a day to keep me going.
How can I kick the habit? Where do I go for help? I've tried thereapy twice to no avail. Neither doctor would believe me because I am so slender. Why shouldn't I be, with all those pills? I've read of "pep pills" causing brain damage and heart attacks. What should I do? What about a general practitioner? Could there be a physical basis to my problem? I am dizzy and faint if not on pills or eating like a horse. Last week I gained 15 pounds without the pills.
-N. N. Every time I see a letter like yours, I wonder again: who is supplying you with these pills? In any event, by all means see a general practitioner or an internist for a thorough evaluation of your problem. Yes, there could be a physical basis. Your thyroid could be involved; metabolism tests will indicate that.
Or you may have a lew blood-sugar problem, and a six-hour sugar tolerance test would uncover it. You are smart to realize that you are getting nowhere with your "diet" pills, but there is no reason why you cant be weaned of the habit Mutscher didn't go for that I WASHINGTON (AP) Three support the proposal because of the "something that happened" Squadron 25. tim. Police Investigate 3rd Bomb Hoax Leaders of both chambers are-iTexans were 17 service-basically agreed to raise kilIed in Vietnam in the state sales tax from 3.0 to 3.25 latest casualty list released i i between the committee's action later Tuesday and the time of the vote Tuesday night. llv Tuesday by the Defense Depart ment Army Pfc.
Jackie D. Bird per cent and extend it to cover repair services. They also are agreed on raising cigarette taxes and business franchise taxes. Weary legislators, who have Austin police and firemen and Congress but failed to find Solons' Conference husband of Mrs. Mavanne A.
Bird, 1713 Althea Drive. Hous Every 55 Seconds DEARBORN. the time a car reaches the end of a assembly line, more investigated Austin's third bomb a bomb in the deserted building. ton, was listed as killed in ac- noax in two weeits iueioay wpk Austin Mce ST. LOITS (AP) Former.Secretary of the Treasury.
Patrolman Michael been in Austin six of the last tion. eight months, have the same The name of Army Spec. incentive to finish their budget Green, grandson of Mrs Texas Gov John B. Connally fprmer Dakota Gov. 'rsnortintr a homh In Uie Texas! asscuioicu aim me musnru Livingston aaia uie win ue ine KcjTioie speaKer un i no irAinnia enoii-ni- Court Eldg.
and "'iwiniw fh. now an assistant to Vit work in the second session as Caldonia Walker, 805 Lamar Police Dept. they had in the first special Cleveland, was changed from 'anonymous call received an Supreme at 8:36 p.m'Monday afternoon a bomb' rate 01 one eveIT 55 r. President Spiro T. Agnew session a stack of proposed missing to dead of hostile caus-jTuesday warning "There is a threat was made on the Capitol park Qjy Choen iunderwav in St.
Louis. The vanguard of an estimati legislation on matters other es. jbcmb in the Littlef ield BWg. Connally replaces New York 900 delegates from the 50 state than money. Also, the Army listed CW02, Building." Authorities reported CRESCENT CITY, Calif.
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller who the District of Columbi The bulk of the stack consists; Norman D. Auten, husband of! The officer said the callerjwcman's voice Ln both of thejCrescent City has been chcscnlinformcd the e'American Samoa and Gua or some outs vetoed by the Mrs. Beverly A. Auten, 1017 like a "young man." previous Domo wreais.
jior aammistrative neaaquaners, ruesoay ne would not be able attended committee sessio Officer Livingston said that Gov. Preston Smith ordered.of the new Redwood National. to attend. Wednesday on lesrislatit Kingsville, as dying result of hostile ac- governor on a technicality in Hall St, June after the close of the'not as a regular session. tion.
firemen and police searched thejthe Capitol Building cleared in. Park. It's at the park's northern Other speakers will include problems common to all t- downtown office building at 8th Monday's bomb hoax. gateway. jMurry Wedenbaum, assistant bodies..